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December Examinations (Grade 9 & 10 ONLY)

Phil Rogers

All students Grade 9 & 10 students will have two days of exams covering English, Mathematics & Science.  Their individual schedules are already up on their Powerschool account. Grade 11 & 12 students will be in NORMAL classes.

  • exams run on Monday 14th December & Tuesday 15th December.
  • There are 2 exam sessions each day starting at 8am and 11:30am  Students should arrive at their exam venues 15 minutes early.  Students will not be permitted to leave an exam early.
  • Student are expected to bring pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, ISB ID card, calculator (if required) and a clear water bottle to each exam.
  • Students who do not have an exam at a particular time they may return home early to study or use our Library for private study.
  • Students can leave school early (before 2:05pm) after an exam by completing an exam early departure form.  This form will be posted on the Parent and Student Portals or hard copies can be obtained from the HS Office.  Students will need to have a parent-signed, completed form for each instance they wish to leave campus.
  • Students are expected to take each exam as scheduled.  Students who are sick for an exam must contact the HS office immediately.  Medical certificates MUST be provided.
  • Thursday 78th December and Friday 18th December are exam feedback days where normal attendance is expected.  Teachers will look at group and individual feedback, review markschemes and success criteria, look at exemplary answers and develop future goals.  School will still finish at 11:30am on the Friday following the HS end of year assembly.

PowerSchool will be closed to student and parent access from 7am on Monday 14th December December until after the exam period.



IB Exam Schedules for May 2016
Phil Rogers

All Grade 12 and those Grade 11’s taking IB exams this coming May can find their exam schedule posted on Powerschool.  It is important for families to note that this year exams run from Monday 2nd May to Friday 20th May inclusive.  This includes two public holidays when exams will be running.  Special transport arrangements will be made for students from downtown.



Second Semester Course Choices
Phil Rogers

Second semester is not too far away.  Students who are considering changing their course choices for second semester should see their counselor in the next week.  This is particularly relevant with choices of Science course in Grades 9 & 10.  Please note teachers have spoken to students about these choices in recent Science classes.  If a their are any questions, please contact your counselor.


H.S. Counseling News
Kevin Davy
Grade 9

This week in Freshman Seminar students were taken on mini “freshman university tour”. We do not get into any great detail on process or information but give the students the message that preparing for college starts early. We talk of the good habits and life skills that should be established in 9th grade. It is a tricky balance because we want students to be aware of the importance of getting off to a good start in high school life but we do not want to pile on the pressure. Here is one of the messages we relayed to them, which is the same message I would also relay to parents:

Please do not develop anxiety over what it will take to get into college X.

Sure, work really hard, grow, fail, learn… see yourself develop, and then look at all the paths and options that lie ahead. Give yourself as many options as possible, make the most of your experience and learning at ISB.

When you are sat in your second semester junior year / first semester senior year researching and applying for universities, please look for a university that is a good match for YOU. Consider your personal strengths, your interests, your finances and other factors that your 10 -12 counselor will help you consider. See where you are at that point, hopefully you have taken our advise and started working hard and developing study and life skills early from Grade 9, and have many good options. Try to remember, you are the consumer, you are choosing them, even though it may seem like they are choosing you. There are so many great options for all types of learners and individuals out there. Try not to fit a square cube into a round socket because of external influences around you; this may well lead to frustration and in many cases great disappointment. Be true to yourself.

Grade 10
As the semester draws to a close, students can sometimes get a bit overwhelmed with the assignments that they are responsible for at the end of the term.  Happily, our 10th graders have fewer exams this year than in past years; by the same token, some classes have long-term projects that will come due in December.  Ask your son or daughter what long-term projects they need to complete and ask how they break down these big assignments into smaller, more manageable chunks.  If they can do this successfully, they will find that things don’t all pile up at the end and they’ll be able to get everything done and get to bed at a reasonable hour!

Grade 11
Grade 11 students participated in Junior Seminar #2 yesterday, which focused on researching universities and the various factors that go into the university application process. During the seminar, students were divided into groups of 3 where they were given information on three different universities (But, the names of the universities were not revealed until the end of the exercise). Then, as a group the students had to decide which university they felt was the best fit for their respective group. This activity led to some very enthusiastic discussions, it provided students insight into what students value, and the specific characteristics they are seeking in a university.

At the conclusion of the meeting, students were give two assignments in preparation for their Junior Conferences, which will begin February 1. The students were given a parent perspective, in which parents provide information regarding their son/daughter and a student self-recommendation, where the student writes a recommendation about themselves.

The Junior Conference which begin February 1, is a time for counselors to meet with students and parents to discuss the student’s post-secondary education plans. Once the student has returned the parent perspective and self-recommendation to the HS Counseling Office, the Junior Conference can be scheduled.

Grade 12
This has been a busy week with students turning in transcript requests (officially notifying their counselor and ISB of where they plan to apply) and with students submitting applications to schools (mostly US) with November 30 deadlines.

Please remind your student to schedule an appointment to submit their applications sooner, rather than later. All applications to universities with December and January deadlines need to be submitted with the counselor by Thursday, December 17. We suggest that students applying to Canada submit their applications prior to the December break as well.

As you and your student prepare for this next big life transition, take a look at this site to begin thinking about next steps and avoid waiting until June and July to address the coming change.

Upcoming University Visits – No university visits next week.



ISB plays host to some exciting arts events over the next few weeks!
Anthony Giles

Please mark your calendars as ISB plays host to some exciting arts events over the next few weeks!

  • November:30 MS/HS Holiday Choir Concert  Chevron Theatre  6:30pm


  • 1 Passion Day
  • 3 HS Art Exhibition Opening  CCT Gallery 10:30am
  • 3 Artists on the Roof CC, Floor 3  6:00pm
  • 3-16 HS Art Exhibition CCT
  • Yan-Tze Liu, Guest Visual Artist
  • 8 ES/MS/HS String Bash  Chevron Theatre  6:30pm
  • 10 HS Holiday Band Concert CCT  6:30pm
  • 11 Grade 5 Celebration of Learning  Chevron Theatre  8:15am
  • 15 Yan-Tze Liu, Guest Visual Artist
  • 16 ES Festival of Lights  Chevron Theatre  6:30pm


eNewsletter Guidelines
Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. Please see our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families and ISB staff for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information
• An image or photo (optional)

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.


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