Earlier this semester we hosted an evening for parents to discuss computer use. Our Gr 6 students were due to take home their laptops and we wanted to support parents in understanding the school’s expectations for use of the computers for homework as well as addressing concerns about the use of computers in general. We are all struggling to answer the question about what is a healthy amount of time to be on computers and screens.

During this evening I shared the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations for screen time for older students. Two hours a day was the recommendation. I think most of us were concerned that this seemed an impossible target to meet. There would not be too many middle school students who were adhering to this time limit.

Recently the AAP have changed these guidelines so that they now reflect a more realistic and holistic approach taking into account many factors. The AAP wrote, “Our policies must evolve or become obsolete. The public need to know that the Academy’s advice is science driven, not based merely on the precautionary principle”.

The AAP now suggest 12 new guidelines that reflect the reality of our digital life. It was affirming to see that these new guidelines are very much in line with the suggestions offered at our parent meeting.

The AAP guidelines suggest that as a parent you need:

* set limits and be involved in what your child is doing on-line

* you need to act as a role model ( monitor your use )

* Interactive apps assist your child’s growth

* Co-engagement counts, play games with your child

* Outside play is essential for the young

*  create tech free zones in your home

* Social media is an important part of adolescent life, so talk with them about what they are doing and who with, understand both context and content.

Lastly, our children will make mistakes and these are teachable moments.

If you would like to read the AAP guidelines in full the article is attached and thanks to our tech specialist, Miguel Zambrano, for alerting me to this new information.

Here is the Link to the Forbes Article. In the first paragraph of this article if you click on “changes to guidelines” this will take you to the AAP newsletter.

Good Luck navigating these tech challenges with your family.

Carmel Kean – Gr 6 Counselor

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