Home Learning – how do I know what my child has to do?

by Dennis Harter & Miguel Zambrano
dennish@isb.ac.th & miguelz@isb.ac.th

Navigating 8 different classes would be challenging for any of us, never mind our adolescent middle school students, still developing in executive functioning skills. In our efforts to best support them (and you), we have consolidated the way we communicate home learning to all students for all classes in the middle school.

Students and parents may now go to one place to see what home learning has been assigned and when it’s due.

The Haiku portal and specifically the Haiku calendar is customized to show each individual student’s assignments on the calendar.

Here is a visual explanation of what you can find on this calendar.

We hope that this provides student and parents clarity on assignments, expectations, and due dates.

Please note that the information posted on the calendar reflects assignments for all students in the class. An individual student may have further support work to do, home learning not completed to finish at home, or other individual follow up, that likely would not show on the calendar as it is specific to that child. In these cases, you would typically receive information directly from the teacher.


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