High School PTA Meeting – this Thursday at 6:30PM at new High School learning space

From Cheryl Martin and Diane Nelson – PTA HS Coordinators

cheryl.martin.ohashi@gmail.com and dispeaks@gmail.com

This Thursday night at 6:30pm, why would you want to leave the comforts of your home, in the evening, to come to a High School PTA meeting?

Below are a few reasons why you will want to come:

  1. 11th and 12th grade parents: Do you still have questions about the university application process, how it all works, and where you should be in this process? The HS counselors will present things they are doing with the application process, and they will discuss how they are supporting our students emotionally through this potentially stressful time.
  2. 9th grade parents and new parents: Do you know that our Global Citizen Awareness Week (GCW) sign ups are coming up in the next few weeks? Where can your kids go, just how much does it cost, what are the refund policies? Answers to these questions and many more will be answered.
  3. 9-12 grades: Did you know there have been changes made to some of the HS activities and CAS? Which activities have changed, and how do these changes affect your HS student(s)?
  4. How does ISB assess student attainment?

Please join us for an information packed hour dealing with the issues above. This meeting will be in the high school new learning spaces facility.

We look forward to seeing you Thursday night.


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