High School Principal’s Forum

From Cheryl Martin and Diane Nelson


The High School Principal’s Forum is an important communication channel for parents to raise concerns or questions that would be of interest to other high school parents. Prior to each of the three Forum meetings each school year, a parent forum representing various grades and communities within the HS meets to discuss  issues brought to their attention.  The HS PTA Coordinators then meet with the HS Administration to bring these matters to their attention and explain the concern that has been raised.  We do not divulge the names of people who have raised concerns in order to ensure parents feel comfortable asking about any issue that is of concern.  Past topics have covered matters such as home country language instruction, grading policies, athletics coaching or team selection, and many more.

In preparation for the HS Principal’s Forum on October 7th at 9:30 am, the parent committee will meet on Sept. 25th to discuss concerns and questions that have been received.  If you have any items you would like to submit, please send an email to Diana or Cheryl, or to hsppforum@isb.ac.th  (only accessible to us as your HS Coordinators) no later than Thursday, Sept. 24th (forms will also be handed out that evening at the PTA meeting).

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