ISB Single Page Communication

ISB Safety and Security Notes – August 20th

by Rick NELSON
ISB Safety Manager

Campus Access:
An ISB ID is now required for entrance on campus. Visitors and individuals without an ISB ID and lanyard will be asked to go to the Security Desk in front of the Admin Building and obtain an ISB visitor ID/Lanyard. Visitor IDs are given by exchanging a personal ID. Personal IDs will be returned back to individuals at the end of their visit when they return the visitor ID back to the security desk. Individuals without an ISB ID or Visitor ID will not be allowed to enter the campus, unless cleared by an ISB administrator. Individuals still needing an ISB ID and Lanyard should go to the ID Production room at the back of the Chevron Theater.
● Lanyards – The color of a lanyard represents different user groups.
   ○ Red = ISB Faculty and Staff
   ○ Green = Parents
   ○ Epicure, Montri, ISAT staff
   ○ Yellow = Family Drivers, Mae Bahns and Nannies
   ○ Pink = Visitors
The ISB ID and Lanyard must be worn while on campus. The only exception is for participation in athletic activities or activities where there is a direct safety concern. ISB Security Guards, administrators and faculty will gently remind adults not wearing their ID and lanyard to put them on while on campus. Lanyards with ID must be worn around the neck and clearly visible on the front of body.
● Former ISB parents or alumni should contact our Marketing Director, Tony Arnold, to ascertain whether or not an ISB ID can be issued. Short term visitors (i.e. grandparents here for a month) should contact our Headmistress, Usa Somboon.
● Parents and visitors who have questions should seek out individuals in red lanyards. Red lanyards represent ISB faculty and staff who can assist with directions or other campus related questions.
● Vehicles – All vehicles must obtain and display a yellow ISB Vehicle Sticker for the 2015-16 school year. Stickers can be attained at the ID Production room on the backside of Chevron Theater. Vehicles without stickers will need to register with the security guards at the main gate for a visitor vehicle card.
● NO DOUBLE PARKING IN PARKING LOT and ROADWAYS (this includes golf carts)! Double parking causes safety issues for emergency vehicles and pedestrians. Vehicles double parked will be moved by our security guards.
● Family Drivers – All family drivers must have an ISB ID Card and Yellow Lanyard. We do not have parking space or facilities near the front of the school for drivers to park or wait for pick-ups. Drivers who arrive early, will be directed by ISB security guards to park in the back of the main parking lot near the ISB and Montri Transportation offices. Family drivers have not been cleared to enter past our security entrance points. Drivers who need restrooms should use those provided by the transportation office.

Campus Safety
Evacuation and Severe Weather Alerts
○Emergency Evacuation – Should the emergency evacuation alarm go on while on campus, follow signage to one our evacuation meeting/gathering points. Wait for a signal from an ISB administrator before going back into buildings.

○Lightning and Severe Weather – ISB uses a siren and strobe light alarm system for detection of lightning in the area. Should the lighting alarms go off, all individuals should take indoor cover and remain off all fields, playgrounds, swimming pools, parking lots and other open spaces until an all clear signal is given.

● Snakes – The habitat in the Nichada area is home to several reptiles, including several varieties of snakes (some of which are poisonous). If you see a snake on campus or in Nichada Thani, please alert ISB or Nichada Thani Security who are trained and have the right equipment for safely managing the situation. Do not try to capture the snake on your own.

Parent Contact Information

If you are a new ISB parent and did not have your permanent address or permanent contact information when you were processed in our Admissions Office, please update your information by logging into the Parent Portal section of our website and inputting your updated contact information in the Family Information section. When logging in please note that your ISB ID number, which can be found on your ISB ID card, is your Username and your last name in all capital letters is your Password. Alternatively, you may email your new contact information to our Invoice Officer, Khun Nat, at

If you are a returning ISB parent and have any changes in your contact information, we ask that you follow either procedure that we have outlined above.

We thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this request.


Sun Protection

by Sally Plomley
ISB Health Co-ordinator

Living in Bangkok we are in a tropical climate, with lots of sun. We all spend time in the sun no matter how hard we try and avoid it. At ISB, students play outside as well as having PE in the sun. With some students already starting swimming for PE we really need to think about limiting their exposure to harmful UV rays. This is a gentle reminder about the risks of sun exposure and how to prevent long term problems.

Excess sun exposure can cause immediate health concerns with sunburn and heat related illnesses as well as long term health issues such as skin cancer. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation people who have 5 or more episodes of sunburn as a child increase their lifetime risk of melanoma (a type of skin cancer) by 80%.

We all need some sun exposure for our bodies to manufacture Vitamin D for healthy bones and immune system. We get adequate Vitamin D from 15-20 minutes of sun exposure a day. The problem is that overall our children are exposed to more than that. We can also supplement our Vitamin D with oral supplements or Vitamin D fortified products.

How do we limit our children’s sun exposure? (Both at school and at home/whilst on holidays)

  1. Stay in the shade as much as possible especially between 10 am and 4 pm.
  2. Encourage children to wear a broad brimmed hat or cap. All ISB elementary school students need to wear a hat to play outside and for PE. Encourage your middle school and high school students to do the same. If children are wearing a cap apply sunscreen to neck and ears (see below). Consider rash guard/swim shirt for swimming sessions.
  3. Wear clothing that covers skin as much as possible. Wear clothing with a tight weave.
  4. Sunscreen. Need at least SPF15. Encourage children to apply before school, before PE and at recess/lunch if going to play in the sun. Reapply every 2 hours if in the sun or after swimming/excessive sweating. Apply sunscreen even when it is cloudy. Always check expiry date on your sunscreen.
  5. When possible wear sunglasses that provide 97-100% protection from UVA and UVB rays.

Treatment of Sunburn:

  1. Move out of sun as soon as sunburn is recognised.
  2. Give fluids.
  3. Simple analgesics such as ibuprofen can help with the pain.
  4. Topical agents such as cool compresses, moisturizing creams and aloe vera gels may help.
  5. Leave blisters intact. If open cover with petrolatum jelly and sterile dressing. May required antibiotics if get infected.
  6. Severe sunburn: seek medical advice as there is a risk of severe dehydration. Hospitalization may be required for severe sunburn.
  7. Ensure above preventative measures are taken to avoid recurrence.

ISB is committed to your child’s overall development, both educationally and health related. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider or the ISB Health Clinic (







Panther Run Series – Race 1 – August 22nd

by Derrick QUINET
Feel like jump starting your fitness now that school has begun and summer is a distant memory?  Come join the ISB Cross Country Runners at the first Panther Run this Saturday.  There is a 5 km and a 3 km race.  All proceeds go to Operation Smile.
Registration/Warm-up:  7:00 AM
Race Start:  7:30 AM on the ISB Track

Cost:  200 Baht for Adults; 100 Baht for Students
Please pre-register using this link. 

See you on the track.

ISB Cross Country Coaches (Dan, Dave, Dellisa and Mike)

Atheletics panther


Boy Scouts Registration Night – August 25th

by Radha Friedman

We encourage and welcome all new scouting families to come and learn more about Troop 701 at our Orientation and Registration night on August 25th at 6:00 pm in the Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room.

Please see the attached flyer for more information.





ISB Music Program

by  Angela Kohl

Registration is underway for the ISB music program and there are only a few slots remaining. We still have openings for violin, drums, clarinet, flute and guitar. Interested in your child learning one of those instruments? Or is your child in the band program and you would like some support through private lessons? Please contact the coordinator Angela Kohl ( for more information.
Lessons will start week of August 31 in the Performing Arts Centre, Floor M.


ISB Plants 150 Trees to Start the School Year

by Kerry DYKE

ES, MS, & HS students, teachers, and parents helped plant 150 trees with Plant-a-tree-today foundation.

FYI – the second trip “working with wildlife” is already full and has a waiting list.  Good to see so many getting involved.
3rd trip will involve kayaking and rock climbing in November and details will come out in a few weeks.

eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. Please see our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families and ISB staff for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information
• An image or photo (optional)

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.



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