PTA Friday Popcorn Sales

popcorn-clip-art-popcorn-clip-art-8The PTA is pleased to offer Friday popcorn sales again this year. Popcorn is sold every Friday and costs THB 10 per bag.  The sales take place from 9:00am to 1:00pm across from the Booster Hut. So be sure to send money with some your child every Friday for popcorn. By the way, the PTA earns virtually no money on these sales. It is done as a service to the students and school.

The PTA needs volunteers to help out each week. If you are interested in signing up for a shift, please signup at the following link:

There are two shifts each week – 9:00 to 11:00am and 11:00am to 1:00pm. Sign up and bring a friend. Your kids really love seeing their parents selling popcorn on Fridays. Our friendly ISB Buildings and Grounds staff actually make the popcorn so the PTA volunteers only have to collect the money and give out the popcorn.

Please contact Kevin Sypoilt at if you have any questions.

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