Would you like to join our ECO TRIPS?

The first one is this Sunday, August 16.  It is a 1/2 day Tree Planting trip near Bangkok that includes other activities as well.  There is not much time so please sign up today if you plan to go.  700 baht covers 5 trees and your transportation.

Second trip is a tough challenging trip deep into a national park.  We will work with park rangers from Thaplan National park to record and study wildlife.  This trip is a month away, on Sept 11-13, so it would be good to sign up soon.

Third trip is in November and includes kayaking and rock climbing.  Details to come after trip 1 and 2 are completed.

Full details are here:
Trip 1:  Tree Planting
Trip 2:  Working with Wildlife!

MS and HS students are invited on a first come first serve basis.  However, since this is happening soon, signing up asap is important.

Thank you.

Kerry Dyke

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