ES e-News August 14, 2015

So wonderful to be back in school!

It has been delightful to have students return to school. Their smiles, energy and enthusiasm for all the possibilities of a new school year abound and we are excited to get started.  And of course, we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Kindergarten and Pre-K students, who join us on Monday – what a journey awaits them!  Settling in well is important for both students and families – please free to ask questions of teachers, other parents and of us as we are here to help!

We are excited to welcome Sarah Fleming to the ES Admin team this year.  Sarah has been at ISB for 4 years as both a homeroom teacher and as ES Technology Learning Coach.  This year, she will have a shared role as she continues to work with teachers and students with technology and in addition, works as part of the ES Administration team.  Welcome Sarah to this new role!

Kelly Armitage
ES Principal

Diana Drummond
Sarah Fleming
ES Vice-Principals

ES Welcome Back Assembly – Friday, 21st August

Our annual student ‘Welcome Back’ Assembly is scheduled for next week.  All classes, PK to 5, will join together as one to celebrate the start of our 2015/16 learning adventure.  This is not a performance-focused assembly, but rather a time for our student community to bond.  Please note that this assembly is for students only – space and safety concerns restrict our ability to open the assembly for parents.  Many thanks for your cooperation.

New Student Groups for new students in Grades 1-5

New Student Groups will start the week of August 24th. Run by our Elementary School Counselors, the groups give students the opportunity to share their feelings about the move to Thailand and ISB and the chance to make friends with other new students. All new students are automatically included. In lower elementary groups are held at a time convenient for teachers. In upper elementary groups are held at lunchtime. The groups meet once a week for four sessions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kate Kersey (counselor for K-Gr. 2) at Doug Williamson (counselor for Gr. 3-5) at

Registration for ES Panther Chorus and ES Junior Panther Choir

The ES music department is delighted to open choir registration for the 2015-2016 school year. Two year-long ensembles are offered to ES students and meet Wednesdays from 2:15-3:15. The Panther Chorus (Grade 4 and 5) will start September 3. The Junior Panther Choir (Grade 2 and 3) will start September 23.

Both choirs will perform several times throughout the year including school assemblies and evening concerts. To register your child for either group please fill out this form here. Click here to see a calendar for both ensembles for the first half of the year.

Grade 4 and Grade 5, Send Your Recorder In!

Students in Grade 4 and 5 will start working with recorder in the next couple of music classes. Some students already have their recorder at school, but if your child brought their recorder home over the Summer, they need to bring it back to school. If you Grade 4 or 5 child is new to ISB and does not have a recorder, they are available for purchase at the ISB bookstore for 138 baht.


ES After School Activities

This Semester’s ES After School Activity program will begin onMonday, September 21st.  Some important dates for you to note in your calendar:

Friday, August 14th – After School Activity booklet available online for viewing or downloading go to and click “Activities booklet” link.

Friday, August 28th – Registration opens online.     

Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School ActivitiesCoordinator

ISB School Sports are about to begin!  What is offered?  Where are the tryouts?

Welcome back everyone, as you know one of the most exciting things about ISB is all the activities that are offered.  My name is Kerry Dyke and I am the Athletic Director for U11, U13 and U15.  Most ES students in grade 4 and 5 qualify to play U11 sports (depending on their age), and in some cases can even play U13 sports if a sport is not offered at U11.

U11 sports is all about participation!  We don’t make cuts, we try to balance playing time, and the goal is to have active kids playing sport and having fun!

The sports offered in Season 1 are:

U11 U13 U15 JV (U19) Varsity (U19)

Cross Country


Cross Country



Cross Country

Rugby (boys)

Touch Rugby (girls)

Cross Country 



Cross Country 



Our website is under major reconstruction and isn’t ready to be shared yet.  However, here are the important links you need to know for now:

– full tryout schedule (when, where, sports for the whole year, etc)

– Age Policy (how do I know which age group I qualify for?  Can I tryout for more than one age group?)

– Map of sports facilities.

– Code of Conduct (important for parents and athletes)

Please keep in mind these sports are not the same as sports and activities organized through After School Activities and Community Activities Office.  This information is for the ISB School teams who will compete against other Bangkok schools in BISAC.

Good luck to all students during your tryouts.

(Repeat) After school Thai class 2015-2016

Thai Nationals enrolled in our pull-out English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and pull-out Learning Support (LS) programs are required to learn Thai during after school sessions.  These lessons are scheduled every Monday and Thursday afternoon.  The first class starts on Monday, August 17 at 2:15 – 3:00pm in Thai classroom numbers 104 and 4-117. Our Thai teachers, K. Ying and K. Charuwan will teach these classes.


Calendar of Events

August  2015

Aug. 15 Community Activities Office Information (CAO), Registration & Payment
Aug. 17 First Day of School for PK and KG
ES Thai After-School Begins
Aug. 27 ES Learning Support (pull-out LS) Tier 3 and English as Additional Language (pull-out EAP) Parent Meeting 5:30 pm
ES Open House 6:30 pm
Aug. 28 ES After School Activities Registration Opens online


About Tina

ES secretary
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