Counseling News

Jackie Valenzuela

Grade 12

Welcome back (and a general welcome to the 11 new grade 12 students/families that have joined us this year) to ISB!

Seniors have officially began their final year of high school. For some of you, it may be hard to believe. And for others, you’ve been waiting a long time. The last year of high school can bring excitement, but also anxiousness about finishing high school well and pressure when planning for life after high school.

Next Thursday, August 20, counselors will meet with Seniors for their first Senior Seminar during Flex from 2:15-3:00pm. We will share information about the year, various events, and kick off the university application season. This is a mandatory event. Later that same night, we invite all Senior (grade 12 parents) to join us at 6:30pm in the MPB for Senior Parent Night.

A list of currently scheduled university visitors to ISB can be found in Naviance. Soon, these will also be accessible in Google Calendar format on a new university advising website we’ll be launching next week. As a reminder, parents are invited to attend these visits as well. Please remind your son or daughter that if considering applying to a university, meeting with the representative when they visit ISB is a priority over other activities or meetings at that time.

Grade 11
Welcome back! And, to new Juniors and their families, welcome!

The first Junior Seminar will take place September 10 where counselors will meet with students to discuss the importance of grade 11 and what to expect in the upcoming year.

Students should also take the opportunity to meet with university representatives that will begin visiting ISB next week. You can find the list of upcoming university visits in Naviance. Soon, these will also be accessible in Google Calendar format on a new university advising website we’ll be launching next week.

Grade 10
A warm welcome back to returning students and to our large group of new Sophomores and their families. We hope that it has been an exciting and restful summer!  We’re looking forward to working with our 10th graders toward a productive and happy 2015-2016 school year.

If your son or daughter has issues with their schedule, please remind them to see their counselor in the next few days.

Grade 9
The class of 2019 is officially on their high school journey!!! We had a healthy turn out for our 9th Grade roll up on Tuesday. Energy was in abundance as students met their teachers on the first day of school and found out about their courses. Schedules, for the most part, were all set and ready to go. Families are reminded that schedule changes are permitted within the first 8 days of school. Mr. Davy, the school counselor for all 9th graders, will work within the parameters of the master schedule to accommodate requests the best that he can.

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