Safety Notes

by Rick Nelson
ISB Safety Manager

As we begin another school year, here are a few reminders and notes to help with campus and community safety.

Traffic and Roadways

  • Vehicles driving onto campus must have an official ISB Vehicle Sticker and be in the ISB queue lane. Golf Carts, motorbikes and other vehicles should not try to use the left lane and cut into the queue line at the last minute. This dangerous maneuver creates extra congestion, frustration and risk to the flow of traffic and security guards. Please be alert to both ISB and Nichada Thani security guards directing traffic in the area.
  • Students and adults biking to campus on the main road should ride on the pedestrian path off the roadway. The roadway is intended for motor vehicles only. On the other roads around Nichada Thani, bicyclists should stay in the designated bike path. Motor vehicles should never enter or park in the bike pathways.
  • Vehicles must follow the Nichada Thani speed limit and road rules.  Nichada Thani will enforce traffic laws on the roadways. Reports of ISB students driving inappropriately will be directed to the ISB Security Manager and the ISB High School Dean of Students.

Campus Safety

  • Please wear your ISB ID at all times while on the ISB Campus. Starting Friday, August 21st, those individuals without an ISB ID and lanyard will be directed to the main security guard desk near the Admin Building to attain a visitors ID.
  • Bikers – protect yourself – wear a bike helmet whenever biking.  Helmets should be worn properly and strapped. Bikers without helmets will not be allowed to ride their bikes on the ISB campus.
  • Double-parking of vehicles on-campus is not allowed. ISB security guards will move any vehicle double parked and obstructing traffic or parked in designated emergency vehicle areas.

Thank you.

Rick Nelson
ISB Safety Manager



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