ISB Communication Single Page View

Safety Notes

by Rick Nelson
ISB Safety Manager

As we begin another school year, here are a few reminders and notes to help with campus and community safety.

Traffic and Roadways

  • Vehicles driving onto campus must have an official ISB Vehicle Sticker and be in the ISB queue lane. Golf Carts, motorbikes and other vehicles should not try to use the left lane and cut into the queue line at the last minute. This dangerous maneuver creates extra congestion, frustration and risk to the flow of traffic and security guards. Please be alert to both ISB and Nichada Thani security guards directing traffic in the area.
  • Students and adults biking to campus on the main road should ride on the pedestrian path off the roadway. The roadway is intended for motor vehicles only. On the other roads around Nichada Thani, bicyclists should stay in the designated bike path. Motor vehicles should never enter or park in the bike pathways.
  • Vehicles must follow the Nichada Thani speed limit and road rules.  Nichada Thani will enforce traffic laws on the roadways. Reports of ISB students driving inappropriately will be directed to the ISB Security Manager and the ISB High School Dean of Students.

Campus Safety

  • Please wear your ISB ID at all times while on the ISB Campus. Starting Friday, August 21st, those individuals without an ISB ID and lanyard will be directed to the main security guard desk near the Admin Building to attain a visitors ID.
  • Bikers – protect yourself – wear a bike helmet whenever biking.  Helmets should be worn properly and strapped. Bikers without helmets will not be allowed to ride their bikes on the ISB campus.
  • Double-parking of vehicles on-campus is not allowed. ISB security guards will move any vehicle double parked and obstructing traffic or parked in designated emergency vehicle areas.

Thank you.

Rick Nelson
ISB Safety Manager


Community Traffic Safety

by Rick Nelson

Dear ISB Community members,

Please find a letter attached regarding Traffic Safety in Nichada Thani from the Head of Nichada’s Customer Relations Department.

Best Regards

Rick Nelson
ISB Safety Manager

Traffic Safety


Booster Club: Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser – August 15th

by Cheryl June


Saturday, 15 August @ 8 to 11am, ISB Main Cafeteria

Join us for the Annual Pancake Breakfast, designed to raise funds for various ISB programs. This is a great time to re-connect with friends after a long summer break.  For new families to ISB, this is a great chance to eat and chat with returning students/parents who may offer insights to life at ISB.

 This event is taking place the first weekend of the return to school, in conjunction with the CAO Registration Day.  So grab a great breakfast and register for activities!


Note from the Community Activities Office (CAO)

Community Activities Office

by Bob Connor

​Dear ISB Students and Parents,

Welcome to International School Bangkok!

As you will find out very soon, ISB is a busy place. We at the Community Activities Office (CAO) offer a wide variety of activities for students to participate in when the school day is finished.

Please go to our website to get an idea of all activities available and how to register.  Please be aware that there are also Elementary After School Activities (ES ASA) and ISB Athletics (BISAC and IASAS) which differ from our CAO offerings.  Yes, it can be a bit confusing, this document (click here) should help give you a basic understanding of CAO, ES ASA’s, and ISB Athletics.

One very important piece of information regarding CAO groups:  We do NOT provide transportation for students.  So please take this into account when registering your children.  For those of you that live in and around Nichada, this should not be a problem, but for those of you who live downtown and want to participate, you will have to arrange your own transport.

We will havea CAO Information day on August 15th from 9am-12 noon in the ES A/C Gym.  This will give you the opportunity to ask questions, register and pay for activities.  If you cannot make this day please don’t worry, all registration can be done on-line through the CAO website, and payments can be made at the CAO Monday-Friday 7am-3pm (located next to the nurse and bookstore).

I hope you all have a great start to the school year…..!

Panther Learn to Swim Registration is now OPEN!

by Corry Day

Dear Parents,

Panther Learn to Swim is now open for registration.

The program will run two separate classes, a Monday/Wednesday class, and Tuesday/Thursday class.

Class times for Pre K will be from 1.45-2.15pm and ES will be from 2:20-3:00pm at the small pool.

Cost for the class is 4,500 THB for Pre K and 5,000 baht for ES for a 6 week course (12 lessons).

Session 1: Aug 31 to Oct 8
Session 2: Oct 26 to Dec 3

Places are limited, so we will operate on a first register/first pay basis.  Payment can be done at CAO.

To sign up, please click HERE.

You will be informed by email if your child has been accepted into the class. For questions regarding the program please contact

Best Regards,

Corry Day

Red cross





 NBBL Community Basketball for High School students

by Kevin Sypolt

We have made a change to the NBBL Community Basketball season.  The high school players (both boys and girls) will now play 1st season.  So that means now until the ISB October break.  We are hoping that more players will be interested in participating as kind of a pre-season before the IASAS/BISAC season for Varsity and JV.

The plan is to play at least once per week, most likely on Saturdays.  But we can play on Friday evenings if the players prefer.  We can also organize a week night practice if there is enough interest by the players.  We would also like to give the players more autonomy is running the league.  NBBL will provide uniforms, referees and score keepers.  But we will allow the players to run the games themselves.

Please go the NBBL home at and click on the High School registration link to register.

Please contact Kevin Sypolt at if you have any questions.


Bangkok Youth Soccer (BYS)

by Maria Van Zant

BYS Registration for the 2015 season is now open!

Thank you to all the players, coaches, parents, and volunteers that helped make last season great.  Registration for the 2015 season is now open. Please try to register early as it really helps with coordinating the teams and finding coaches.

BYS is a volunteer run organization with traditionally around 400 participants in over 40 teams. In order to have a successful season, we need your help! We are seeking volunteers for coaching and to serve as Division Coordinators. Please email BYS at if you can help.

BYS is excited about some improvements we have made to the upcoming season.  Divisions will now be grouped by grade, rather than age, allowing for all kids to play with their peers. The Boys Division 4, grades 1 and 2, will now have more teams, playing 5 or 6 a side, depending on registration numbers.  The uniform order has been placed, including more and bigger shirts for coaches and smaller sized uniforms for the younger players.  BYS was also able to purchase a new set of medium sized goals, allowing more flexibility in field space and ensuring that all divisions play on the proper sized goals.  Finally, we have instituted several steps to improve the assessments and team selection.

For information about the program and registration, visit our website or click HERE to register.

The new registration cost reflects the recent CAO administration fee increase of 100 baht for all registrations.

Looking forward to a great season!

The BYS Team:

Maria Van Zant, Brenda Perkins, Rosalina Hernandez, & Dan Papps





ISB Music Program

by Angela Kohl

ISB offers private music lessons on a variety of instruments as well as vocal lessons on campus after the regular school day. Lessons are usually on a private basis, but group settings might be considered as well. Families interested might get a first idea through our website ( For more information please contact the coordinator Angela Kohl (

Online registration will open on the first day of school, lessons do start the week of Monday, August 31.

For those, who have registered already, please make sure that fees are paid before the start of the lessons Monday, August 31, with Khun Fon in the CAO office.


After School Dance offer Classes in the following Styles

by Helen Weir

PreK and Kg Dance – Pk/Kg Dance
Gr 1 to 12 – Jazz, Tap, Ballet
Gr 4 to 12 – Street, Broadway Jazz

Gr 6 to 12 – Pointe, Contemporary

Dancers wishing to join After School Dance should complete On-Line Registration Request of Dance Styles at stating classes they wish to be considered join before attending Placement Assessments.

After School Dance Placement Assessment Sessions will take place in the CC Theatre Foyer (overlooking astro turf field) Monday 17th, Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th August.

Class Lists and Schedule will be available from Tuesday 25th August.

For more information please contact Helen Weir or visit

ASD highlight




Panther Tennis Registration Session 1

by Panther Tennis

Dear Parents,

Registration for the Panther Tennis session 1 are now open to all the ISB students and ISB parents. The session will commence from August 17, 2015.

The registration link is as follows PANTHER TENNIS REGISTRATION

For session schedule and price, please click HERE

Best Regards,
Panther Tennis Team


PTA Friday Popcorn Sales

by Kevin Sypolt

The PTA is pleased to offer Friday popcorn sales again this year starting tomorrow, August 14th.  Popcorn is sold every Friday and costs THB 10 per bag The sales take place from 9:00am to 1:00pm across from the Booster Hut.  So be sure to send your child to school tomorrow with some money for popcorn.  By the way, the PTA earns virtually no money on these sales.  It is done as a service to the students and school.
The PTA needs volunteers to help out each week.  If you are interested in signing up for a shift, please signup at the following link:

There are two shifts each week – 9:00 to 11:00am and 11:00am to 1:00pm.  Sign up and bring a friend.  Your kids really love seeing their parents selling popcorn on Fridays.  Our friendly ISB Buildings and Grounds staff actually make the popcorn so the PTA volunteers only have to collect the money and give out the popcorn.

Please contact Kevin Sypoilt at if you have any questions.

Panther Masters Swimming – every Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30AM.

by Kevin Sypolt at

Want to swim like Michael Phelps, Sarah Sjostrom, Katy Ledecky or Chad le Clos?  Well, that’s not going to happen.  But come out and join your fellow Masters swimmers for some great exercise and fun.  Our group swims every Tuesday and Thursday mornings (7:30 – 8:30am) in the main Nichada pool.  There is no cost and all levels are very welcome.  It is a great hour of exercise and fun.

Contact Kevin Sypolt at if you have any questions.


eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. Please see our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families and ISB staff for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information
• An image or photo (optional)

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.









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