Welcome to the 2015-16 School Year!

Dear Parents,

The 2015-16 school year is here! On behalf of the ISB Middle School faculty and staff, I am pleased to welcome all of our new families to our school. Of course, to all of our returning students and parents, welcome back! It’s going to be a terrific year.

The campus is starting to buzz with activity and energy as the summer renovation work finishes up, the admissions office welcomes hundreds of new families, and our teachers return on campus for start of the year preparations and professional development. We can’t wait for the students to arrive; then the fun really begins!

Joining me on the Middle School administrative team are Tico Oms, as Dean of Students, and Cindy Plantecoste, as Dean of Academics. We are all arriving new to ISB Middle School this year and are excited to be joining this positive school community. Tico comes to ISB by way of Singapore American School (SAS), where he was middle school deputy principal. Cindy has been serving as the assistant principal of middle school at The American School in Japan (ASIJ).

As for me, I am returning to ISB, having been the high school principal at the American International School – Vienna. For my family and I we are returning “home”, having been at ISB from 2005 until 2013. The three of us are excited to get to know everyone. Please feel free to swing by the MS office or stop us in the halls to say hi and introduce yourselves.

School begins on Thursday, August 13th. Uniforms and school supplies are available at the ISB bookstore, located on the ground floor, behind the main offices.

For new students, we have new family orientation on Tuesday. This is such an important day for our new young people to feel comfortable on the first days of school. The New Student Orientation starts at 10:15 in front of the Panther and then in the Chevron Theater at the front of campus. Parents should also attend, as we will be giving you a feel for our school and learning program. Our PTA hosts their “Welcome Wai” – a chance for you to meet other parents and have some refreshments. There will also be a technology session to share with you the different online communication and information ISB provides.
On Wednesday, August 12th, from 9AM to 1PM in the MS/HS Library, NEW grade 7 and 8 students have their own technology training, so that they are up to speed with our laptops, network, software, and citizenship expectations.
Below in this eNews, you will find some important guidelines from the Student Handbook about transportation, school dress expectations, and the use of electronic devices. For more detailed information, please follow the link to the full Student Handbook, online.
We are looking forward to seeing our students back in the halls and classrooms. Enjoy this last weekend and we will see you soon.


Dennis Harter
Middle School Principal

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