ISB Safety and Security Notes

by Usa Somboon Rick Nelson &

ISB Safety and Security Notes

Welcome to the 2015-16 school year at ISB.  Below are a few important notes to help everyone in the community have a safe and rewarding year. Please read carefully as there are new safety measures in place.

Campus Access

ISB continues to develop processes to improve the security and safety for all students and ISB community members who access the campus.  All community members are expected to follow the following:

ISB ID Cards All adults must wear an official ISB ID while on campus. Between now and the end of September, ISB IDs can be obtained in the ID production room in the back of the Chevron Theater (this room is accessed off the hallway near the cafeteria). All adults entering the campus (beyond the ISB parking lots) must provide an ISB ID to Security Guards before being allowed to enter the campus.   The following are ISB campus access locations:
1 – Elementary Entrance (sidewalk leading down to the Elementary Office)
2 – Administration Building Sidewalk
3 – Chevron Theater Sidewalk
4 – Backgate (Behind Building and Grounds Building) – Only individuals with
ISB IDs are allowed in backgate.  All visitors must enter through the main ISB
gate and obtain a visitors ID.
5 – Service Road (near current Ed. Tech Containers) – Only for approved

Anyone without an ISB ID will need to see the Security Desk in-front of the Administration building to sign-in and receive a visitors ID.  Visitors must provide a personal ID that will be exchanged for the Visitor ID.  

ISB students are allowed to enter campus wearing their appropriate ISB shirt.

Lanyards – ISB ID cards will include a lanyard.  The color of lanyard will be given based on the type of card issued. The following lanyard colors represent the various user groups and must be worn at all times on the ISB campus (note – may be removed when participating in physical activities, soccer etc):

Red – ISB Faculty and Staff

Green – Parents

Blue – ISAT, Epicure and Montri Staff

Yellow – Mae Bahns, Nannies and Drivers

Pink – Visitors and Contractors

Maid/Driver/Long-term Guest ID Card and Replacement Cards

For security reasons all maids, drivers and guest ID Cards must be obtained annually (No need for parents to replace their own).  These cards are now available for printing from the room at the rear of the Chevron Theater.  The maid/driver/guest must present himself or herself in person, so they can get a photo.

The ID Card for Maid/Driver/long-term guest can be done by completing the attached document and returning to the ID production room at the rear of the Chevron Theater.  See instructions below and please include the necessary documentation listed.

Instructions for applicant

  • Print out the attached form.
  • Complete application form.
  • If the sponsoring Parent/Staff cannot accompany the applicant, he/she may
    present the sponsor’s non-expiring ISB ID as proof of eligibility.
  • Those individuals renewing ID cards, must return the old card to ISB.
  • Each ISB family will be issued a maximum of Three (3) Temporary Photo-ID cards for domestic staff. This may be any combination of parents, Maids and/or Drivers. Additional cards (extra staff or staff turnovers) will be provided at a cost of Baht 200.

The new ID card will be valid until August 2016, or as otherwise announced by ISB.  We will take the ID photo and issue the ID as soon as possible. In the event of volume delays, the card’s owner may pick up the completed ID during normal office hours (Monday-Friday between 7:00-3:00).

If you have any questions please contact Khun Suthida, Transportation Office, at 02- 963-5800 Ext 7704.

Form for Access Sticker and ID

ISB Vehicle Access Sticker

The current ISB vehicle access sticker (purple) will expire the end of September. After this date, cars, motorcycles and golf carts not displaying the new yellow sticker will not be able to enter the campus.

Parents should pick up their sticker from the ID Card production area: Classroom at the rear of Chevron Theater.  Complete the attached form and include necessary documents.  The sticker will be issued immediately upon completion of the required documents. ISB teachers and staff must pick-up their sticker from the Transportation office.  If you have any questions please contact Khun Suthida, at
02- 963-5800 Ext 7704. (Pick up from 7:00 – 11:00 and 12:00 – 15:00)

Please Note:
One family will receive not more than 3 stickers.
Ensure that the sticker is adhered on the right hand side of windshield.

Form for Access Sticker and ID

Parking On-Campus – Parking on campus is allowed only in designated parking areas. No vehicles (automobiles, motorcycles and golf carts) should park in emergency parking zones and other areas identified as no parking zones. Double parking or blocking in other vehicles is not allowed on campus.  Vehicles double-parked or parked in emergency vehicle areas will be moved by ISB Security. Golf Cart drivers – please do not park on the ISB roundabout as visibility is impaired and congestion worsened.

Community Traffic

Traffic in the morning and afternoon is often heavy and can easily become congested.  With buses, automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, golf carts, bicycles and pedestrians sharing the same roadways the risks of accidents increase.  To help reduce the risks, please follow these important safety guidelines:

  1. Student Drop-offs – Students should be prepared to depart their vehicle quickly and efficiently. Vehicles should then move on and either park in designated parking areas or exit the campus.  All vehicles dropping off students should use only designated drop off zones.
    1. Pedestrian crosswalks are for walkers and bicyclists only and should not be used for dropping off students.
    2. Family drivers are not allowed to park and wait on campus for their pick-up.  Drivers should arrive at the appropriate pick-up times at the end of the school day or school activity.  Parents, please talk to your children about being ready for their driver pick-up.  
    3. ISB has a no idling / no smoking policy on campus.  Vehicles should be turned off when parked.

2. Road flow and traffic – Nichada Thani has now widened the main road leading into
campus. This road now has two lanes, going in each direction. When approaching
campus, those vehicles (automobiles, motorcycles and golf carts) entering ISB should stay
in the right lane of the two lanes (An ISB Queue has been painted on the road to identify
which lane will lead to the entrance to the school). As vehicles approach and move around
the roundabout in front of ISB, they should follow the directions of the traffic/security
guards to enter the ISB gate.

3. Bike Safety – Wearing an appropriate bicycle helmet helps prevent head injuries in the
event of a bike accident. We encourage all riders to wear a helmet when biking off campus. When coming on campus, all riders (students and adults) must wear a helmet.

4. The bicycle tracks approaching ISB from the Samakee gate have been moved on to the
sidewalk – please remind your children to use these tracks rather than cycling in the road.

5. Nichada has also created an Express Pass for cyclists coming through the Samakee Gate in
the mornings – this gives them access to the Residents RFID lane rather than the visitor
lane. Cyclists need to show the pass to the guards who will open the gate for them. Express
Passes can be obtained from the Nichada Office at the Plaza.

6. Expect some confusion and delays as our community gets used to the new Nichada system.

Usa Somboon                         Rick Nelson
ISB Headmistress                   ISB Safety Manager



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