ES e-News August 7, 2015

Welcome to a New School Year!

Greetings, and welcome to our 2015-16 school year.  During the past weeks we have been busy preparing for our first day of school which will be on Thursday, August 13 (grades 2-5).

The start of a school year is a new beginning for everyone:  a new grade level, new teachers, new friends, and for many, a new school and a new country.  We are sensitive to the many issues involved in adjusting to these changes and will work with you to help make this transition a smooth and successful one.  Together, we will work to ensure that ISB Elementary School is a place where your child feels safe, and experiences the joy of learning and growing.

ISB Elementary School has a caring, committed, and skilled staff dedicated to providing a challenging and child-centered learning environment for each child.  Central to this process is our partnership with parents.  We encourage you to be involved in your child’s education by staying well informed, attending school events, and when able, assisting with school activities.  We know that you will also be an effective partner in your child’s education by establishing and maintaining open communication with your child’s teachers.  Please do not hesitate to contact a teacher or one of us should you have any questions or concerns.

As a school, we will strive to keep you informed on a regular basis through our school parent portal website link . Please ensure that you visit this site before the start of school and review our onlineESParent/Student Information Handbook.  It contains important information on learning, school activities, programs, and school policies. We strongly encourage you to take the time to read through it and ensure that both your child and you understand the information.

On behalf of all of the ISB Elementary School staff, we welcome you and look forward to a great school year together.


Kelly Armitage
Elementary School Principal

Diana Drummond and Sarah Fleming
Elementary School Vice-Principals

Class Placement and ‘Meet the Teacher’ time for Grades 2-5:

Class Placement Lists will be posted in all grade level quadsthroughout the Elementary School at 2pm on Tuesday, Aug 11 and be published electronically on the same date.

Additionally, we will have a short, very informal drop in time to “Meet your Teacher” from 2:00-3:00pm for grades 2-5 only.  This time will be a chance to say a quick hello and find the location of your child’s homeroom classroom (not specialists). The purpose is to see a face and a place to start school, not to conference with the teacher or to receive information.  You will receive information about the school year later in the week and at our Elementary Open House on Aug 27.  Also, please realize that teachers continue to work on setting up the classrooms throughout this afternoon and we’ve encouraged them to end promptly at 3pm.

Please note:  Pre K, Kinder and Grade 1 will be meeting teachers during appointments on Wednesday and Thursday.

School Supplies

ISB will provide all essential school supplies with the exception of ear phones and flash drives.

Uniform embroidery

ISB offers parents a uniform embroidery service to have either the ISB uniform shirt or PE uniform shirt embroidered with your child’s first name.  This helps with student identification and we encourage parents to have this done.  Khun Bon is the contact person for this service. She is currently located in the ES Gym, where uniform sales are taking place.  Orders can be placed up until Tuesday, Aug. 11, at 2pm.

Essential Paperwork

Some important paperwork will be coming home the first days of school, such as departure/arrival form, “Safe Haven” form, etc.  Please make sure you look for them, and return to the ES Office as soon as possible.

Upcoming Events

  • Welcome Coffee

On the first day of school all parents are invited to an informal Pre K-12 PTA Welcome Coffee in front of the Chevron Theatre at 7:30am to meet other parents and enjoy some refreshments.  If you plan to be at school on the morning of August 13th, please make your way to the Chevron Theatre once your children have gone to their classrooms. We look forward to greeting our new and returning families at this time.

  • New Parent Orientation

There will be an Orientation Meeting for parents whose children are new to the elementary school on Friday, August 14th, at 7:30 am in the ES Multi-Purpose Room (ES MPR).   Please join us to learn more about the school and meet other parents.

After school Thai class 2015-2016

Thai Nationals enrolled in our pull-out English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and pull-out Learning Support (LS) programs are required to learn Thai during after school sessions.  These lessons are scheduled every Monday and Thursday afternoon.  The first class starts on Monday, August 17 at 2:15 – 3:00pm in Thai classroom numbers 104 and 4-117. Our Thai teachers, K. Ying and K. Charuwan will teach these classes.

Calendar of Events

August  2015

Aug. 13 First Day of School (Grades 2-12)
Parents Welcome Coffee 7:30 am (in front of Chevron Theatre)
Aug. 14 First Day of School for Grade 1
ES After School Activities (ASA) Booklet goes online
ES New Parent Orientation 7:30 am (ES MPR)
Aug. 15 Community Activities Office Information (CAO), Registration & Payment
Aug. 17 First Day of School for PK and KG
ES Thai After-School Begins
Aug. 27 ES Learning Support (LS) Tier 3 and English as Additional Language (EAP) Parent Meeting 5:30 pm
ES Open House 6:30 pm
Aug. 28 ES After School Activities Registration Open


About Tina

ES secretary
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