Later Starts Survey Data & Update

by Andrew Davies

Dear Parents, Faculty and Students,

As you are aware, ISB is exploring the possibility of starting school later than 7:20am to help improve student learning and wellness. We recently surveyed the ISB community – please click
here for results if interested.

Our next step is to run a two-week trial during Summer School with an 8:00am start time. Montri will provide us with bus departure and arrival times after the summer holiday and we will also conduct a further survey of Summer School parents, faculty, staff and students after the trial has been completed.

Depending on what we discover during the Summer School trial, we will either suspend this exploration for a few years or continue with a whole school trial for two weeks in the first semester of the 2015/16 school year (November being the most likely time).

We will also be carefully reviewing the written comments in all surveys to better gauge any potential impact.

We will be in touch again next semester. Again, there will be
no changes to the 2015/16 school year other than a potential trial.

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