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MS eNews – Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Looking Back, Looking Forward

Dear ISB Middle School Community,

It has been an amazing year in the ISB Middle School!  As the school year comes to a close, it is important to look back on all of the learning and personal development of our students, as well as to look forward to all of the growth opportunities to come in the future.  You will note on student report cards that each student has written personal end-of-year reflection comments in his/her Learning to Learn “L2L” class, which provide a good opportunity for a student and parent discussion about this year’s challenges and celebrations.

One main purpose of our ISB Mission to “inspire students to be passionate, reflective learners” is to develop a ‘growth mindset’ in students.  As opposed to a ‘fixed mindset’ in which individuals feel that their intelligence is static, individuals with a ‘growth mindset‘ have a sense that their intelligence can be developed.  Thus, those individuals with a ‘growth mindset’ have a greater desire to learn, are willing to take on challenges and are persistent in the face of challenges, are open to criticism, and feel that their effort will lead to greater success.

So, as your family is looking back on this past school year and looking forward to the upcoming 2015-2016 school year, encourage your children to recognize the tremendous growth they have made this year as a student and as a person, and listen to how his/her thoughts on how they may continue to grow in the upcoming year.  With a ‘growth mindset’, our children can and will do amazing things during their middle school years and beyond.

Many thanks to our parents, faculty, staff, and coaches for all of the opportunities you have provided our students to learn and grow this year.   To all who are departing ISB this year, we wish you all the best in your new schools, cities, and countries, and we hope to see you again someday so please come back and visit!

On behalf of all the MS Faculty and Staff, we wish you all a safe, healthy, relaxing, and fun summer holiday, and we’ll look forward to seeing most of you again in August!

Tom Burgess        Annelies Hoogland              Moe Baron-Toaldo

MS Principal        MS Dean of Academics       MS Dean of Students


MS Semester 2 Report Cards and Report Card Holds

Semester 2 report cards are now available to download as PDFs through PowerSchool.  Reminder, for all students leaving ISB end of this semester, if you haven’t already picked up your package containing your school records and official copy of your Semester 2 Report Card, see Khun Fon in the MS Counseling Office.  Please note that parents and students will not be able to access report cards through PowerSchool if a report card hold has been placed on a student account.  Once the report card hold has been cleared, records will be released and access to PowerSchool restored.


Main Library Summer Hours

The Main Library will be open from 7:00am – 3:00pm, Monday through Friday, beginning June 15th. Don’t forget to stock up on summer reads before the break!


Main Cafeteria Summer Hours

Kindly note the cafeteria summer hours below:

Closed Thursday June 11- Sunday June 14.

Open for Summer School:

June 15 – July 31 – Cafeteria & Grind – Monday – Friday from 7:00am – 1:00pm.

Closed Saturdays

Serving all day breakfast. Lunch starting at 10:00am.

Starting Monday Aug 3 – Opening Hours 7am – 3pm

Saturday Aug 8 – The Grind reopens on Saturdays.

Thursday Aug 13 – Back with regular hours and a full menu across campus!

Have a great summer and enjoy,

Your Epicure @ ISB Team


Summer School 2015 at ISB

Planning on being in Bangkok June or July?  Looking for something for your child(ren) to do?  Then this is the year to join us for ISB’s exciting and enriching Summer School Program!  Once again students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 will be learning in an environment that is nurturing, academically challenging, and socially engaging.  ISB’s highly qualified teachers are inspired professionals dedicated to creating the best possible learning experiences.  New ideas, new curriculum and new friends await each student.

We have a range of classes that are sure to meet every student’s needs.  Registration is now open.  For more information on program dates, courses, costs, and registration process, please click here then open tabs located on the left side of the page under the heading of Summer School.

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