End of year message

Philip Bradley

Dear Parents and Students

This is the last communication of the 2014 – 2015 school year and I wish you all a safe, relaxing and enjoyable break, I hope you get to spend time with both your immediate and extended families. To our graduating seniors and other departing students I wish you all success in your future endeavours and that your memories of ISB and the values that guide us as a community stay with you.

To returning students I look forward to seeing you all again at 7:15 on Thursday August 13th!

To our rising Freshmen,

I look forward to your grade 8 moving up ceremony next week and would like to extend a warm and sincere welcome to High School. From all I hear you are certainly a talented and reflective class who are leaving Middle School well prepared for the years ahead. Enjoy your vacation and come back ready for fresh challenges and new successes.

Philip Bradley

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