Welcome to ISB …. “ WELCOME WAI 2015-2016

In preparation for the next school year, the Welcome Wai team is looking to put together a list of willing parents who can share school information with new families to help them acclimate. There are many roles available from attending the initial Welcome Back coffees and monthly coffees, to compiling the information packets, being a school specific contact (ES / MS / HS) or a welcoming country/community representative.

The initial point of contact will be the Welcome Wai Coordinators along with PTA School (ES, MS& HS­) and Country / Community Representatives.

Being part of the Welcome Wai team is a very simple volunteer role but key to providing a welcome to new parents. Is this something you would like to be involved with? We would love to hear from you. Email us at welcomewai@isb.ac.th
Inderbir Broca  and  Sraboni Pal
Welcome Wai Coordinators

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