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MS eNews – Friday, May 29, 2015

Updated MS Calendar for remainder of semester 2:

Tuesday, June 2

  • Early Dismissal at 1:00pm

Tuesday, June 9

  • Grade 8 Moving on Ceremony at 8:00am in the Chevron

Wednesday, June 10

  • Last Day of Semester 2 and 2014-15 School year
  • MS Alternate Dress Day
  • MS Final Assembly at 7:20am in the Chevron
  • All Student Dismissal at 11:30am



MS Global Citizens Caring for Nepal

Dear MS Parents,

In the wake of the devastating earthquakes in Nepal, our Middle School students, faculty, and staff have come together to do what we can to support the re-building of lives in Nepal.  Our MS community has raised approximately 250,000 THB to support the Moonlight Foundation in Nepal.  The Moonlight Foundation has the Mission “to provide education free of cost to those children who are disabled, orphans, helpless and destitute. This organization believes that every child shouldn’t be deprived of getting education whether they are poor or rich, low caste or high caste, orphans or non-orphans.”

Long before the recent disaster in Nepal, our ISB students have supported the Moonlight Foundation through fund-raising efforts, and many of our middle students have gone on to the ISB High School and traveled to Nepal during Global Citizenship Week to volunteer working with the children at the Moonlight School in Kathmandu.  Tragically, the recent massive earthquakes in Nepal have caused major structural damage to the Moonlight School and health clinic, which have to be re-built, and to the homes of many of the children attending the school.  The funds raised by our MS community in the past few weeks will be channeled through our high school Moonlight Club directly to the Moonlight Foundation to help re-build their school and health clinic.

The MS activities to support the Moonlight Foundation have included:

  • Art Silent Auctions
  • Nepal Run
  • Drama Fence of Hope
  • Donation boxes after Drama, Choir and Band Performances
  • Bake Sales (Candy Heart Group, Breaking Boundaries, Because We Are Girls, Ad Hoc Nepal Relief Group)
  • Ad Hoc Nepal Relief Committee – Neighborhood Fundraising
  • Students selling re-usable shopping bags

There are too many individuals to name for their generous efforts, and undoubtedly some would be missed if we tried to list them all here.  You know who you are, and thank you for fulfilling our ISB Mission demonstrating that you are truly global citizens by caring for those who have had their lives upturned this past month in Nepal.

Tom Burgess

MS Principal



E-Cigarette Health Warnings

Dear MS Parents,

It has come to our attention that some of our students may be experimenting off-campus with electronic cigarettes.  The following is some information provided by our ISB Health Center:

– E-cigarettes were developed to produce a smoke-free source of nicotine. The devices heat up a liquid that is inhaled or “vaped” by the user. Because nothing is burned, there is no “smoke.”

– E-cigarettes put nicotine, a highly addictive drug, into the body. Nicotine use impacts the heart, brain and nervous system, can raise blood pressure and speed up the heart. With repeated use, the body can become addicted to nicotine.

– Electronic cigarette contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals such as diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze.

– Electronic cigarettes are sold without the health warnings and labels mandated in traditional cigarettes or other nicotine replacement products.

– These types of products are specifically marketed and sold to young people, in flavors like mint and chocolate that appeal to younger tastes. Also, they are most often sold at malls where teens spend time.

– These products are not subject to FDA or other regulation as to the amount of nicotine or other chemicals included in the e-cigarette cartridges.

– The vapors from e-cigarettes may contain trace levels of solvents in which nicotine and flavorings have been dissolved. These solvents are known as lung irritants and current studies are looking at the transformation of these solvents into suspected carcinogens.

Links to articles with additional information are located below.  In addition, please feel free to contact our Health Center nurses for resources on e-cigarettes or nicotine use.

FDA and Public Health Experts Warn About Electronic Cigarettes

E-Cigarette Use Triples Among MS and HS Students in One Year

Health Risks of e-Cigarettes Emerge

Kids’ Health: About e-Cigarettes



Repeat Announcement:  For Parents of Current ISB Grade 5 – 7 Students – Math Placement Procedures

Dear Parents,

Why are students placed into different math classes in Middle School?

We know that children develop cognitively, socially, and emotionally at differing rates just as they develop physically at different rates. We also know that the developmental readiness of a student is an important factor in determining the appropriate level of challenge that will lead a middle school student to be successful in her/his learning in mathematics. All our students eventually develop the cognitive ability, organization, and time management skills to deal with higher levels of abstract thinking. However, they do not all develop these factors at the same time.  Developmental readiness is not a measure of intelligence, but is a measure of the developing maturity of student thinking skills as well as their Habits and Attitudes for Learning. Thus, our Grade 6 – 8 Mathematics classes are specifically designed to provide appropriate and challenging mathematical problem solving opportunities for all students. Our math classes are listed below.  By providing different classes, we believe we are able to provide a challenging math curriculum, based on readiness, for all students.

Grade 6 Math 6 Math 6 Advanced
Grade 7 Math 7 Math 7 Advanced
Grade 8 Math 8 Math 8 Advanced MS Algebra 1

How will students be placed in math classes?

The MS Math Department and Administration will meet before the end of the school year and review the following criteria for each student to make placements:

  • End-of-Year Math Assessment scores
  • Math grades on semester report cards for the entire year
  • HAL scores on end of year report cards
  • ISA scores (grades 5 and 7)
  • MAP scores
  • Teacher recommendations for placement 

When will placements be made?

Based on the information above, all students will be placed by the end of this school year into the math class we feel is best for each student for the coming school year.  Early in the new school year, adjustments to the placement may be made on a case-by-case basis based upon individual student progress at that time.

Our goal is to provide a MS Mathematics Program that is loaded with opportunities for us to challenge each student at their level of readiness and to enrich their study of mathematics. It is our ultimate goal at ISB to foster a love of mathematics in all students, together with the conviction and confidence that they can enroll in and master the most challenging mathematics in high school and university.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Bruce Melhorn, MS Mathematics Department Head

Tom Burgess, MS Principal



Repeat Announcement:  Parent/Student Access to PowerSchool

Dear MS Parents and Students,

Please make note that your access to PowerSchool grades and comments is being turned off on Tuesday, May 26 at 3:00pm so teachers can begin writing their end-of-semester comments and finalizing semester grades when they are ready.  Students/parents can still log into PowerSchool but will only be able to access attendance and their schedule.  Full access will be restored on Wednesday, June 10th after 12:00pm where you will be able to access the Semester 2 Report Card.



Repeat Announcement:  Invitation for parents of our 8th graders:  Gr. 8 Moving On Ceremony

Dear Parent(s) of Grade 8 Students:

Please join us in the Chevron Theatre on Tuesday, June 9th at 08:00am to commemorate your student’s move from middle school to high school (Arrive early, we will begin on time). It is a significant step in their lives, and we would love to celebrate this moment together with you through a student-led ceremony lasting approximately one hour and thirty minutes. It will be followed by a reception in the MPB until approximately 10:30am. This is an important day for your child and your family. Please plan to attend the entire morning’s festivities.

Since this is a special celebration, we expect students to dress appropriately. Boys should wear dress pants, a dress shirt, a tie, and dress shoes. Suits and sport coats are not necessary. Girls should wear a dress, or blouse with a skirt, and dress shoes (with heels that are not too high as they need to climb up and down the stairs to the stage). Hems are not to be more than 8 cm above the knee. Dresses with sleeves are preferred. Jeans, shorts, sleeveless shirts, tuxedos, or formal dresses are not appropriate.

After the reception the students will continue their celebration with a BBQ in our cafeteria, then move to our new pool from 11:45am to 1:45pm. Since students already have permission to swim in PE classes, only parents that provide documentation to have their student NOT swim is required. Swimming is an option for all students, as we will also have the Gymnasium and other open spaces in the new complex for them to hang out and spend their last day together. They should have a change of clothes for after the reception that they can wear over their swimwear.

NOTE: Students must have swimwear that meets the ISB P.E. requirements (no bikinis) and should bring a towel. We will dismiss students from the pool area at the end of the school day. Hats, sunglasses, and sun block are suggested. The pool does have shaded areas, as well as the indoor gymnasium for students wanting to stay out of direct sun.

Please put this important date on your calendar. All family members are invited to attend the ceremony and reception for the students.

If you have any questions, please contact us at the school. We look forward to celebrating your child with you on this special day.


Dr. Roger Everett

Grade 8 Team Rep



Repeat Announcement:  Leaving ISB End of This Semester?

If you are leaving or possibly leaving ISB before, or end of this semester, please contact Khun Fon in the MS Office at – she will send you the ISB Withdraw Form that needs to be completed in order for her to get your child’s school records ready for his/her next school.



Repeat Announcement:  Summer School 2015 at ISB

Planning on being in Bangkok June or July?  Looking for something for your child(ren) to do?  Then this is the year to join us for ISB’s exciting and enriching Summer School Program!  Once again students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 will be learning in an environment that is nurturing, academically challenging, and socially engaging.  ISB’s highly qualified teachers are inspired professionals dedicated to creating the best possible learning experiences.  New ideas, new curriculum and new friends await each student.

We have a range of classes that are sure to meet every student’s needs.  Registration is now open with an Early Bird special that expires on May 29.  For more information on program dates, courses, costs, and registration process, please click here then open tabs located on the left side of the page under the heading of Summer School.

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