MS Global Citizens Caring for Nepal

Dear MS Parents,

In the wake of the devastating earthquakes in Nepal, our Middle School students, faculty, and staff have come together to do what we can to support the re-building of lives in Nepal.  Our MS community has raised approximately 250,000 THB to support the Moonlight Foundation in Nepal.  The Moonlight Foundation has the Mission “to provide education free of cost to those children who are disabled, orphans, helpless and destitute. This organization believes that every child shouldn’t be deprived of getting education whether they are poor or rich, low caste or high caste, orphans or non-orphans.”

Long before the recent disaster in Nepal, our ISB students have supported the Moonlight Foundation through fund-raising efforts, and many of our middle students have gone on to the ISB High School and traveled to Nepal during Global Citizenship Week to volunteer working with the children at the Moonlight School in Kathmandu.  Tragically, the recent massive earthquakes in Nepal have caused major structural damage to the Moonlight School and health clinic, which have to be re-built, and to the homes of many of the children attending the school.  The funds raised by our MS community in the past few weeks will be channeled through our high school Moonlight Club directly to the Moonlight Foundation to help re-build their school and health clinic.

The MS activities to support the Moonlight Foundation have included:

  • Art Silent Auctions
  • Nepal Run
  • Drama Fence of Hope
  • Donation boxes after Drama, Choir and Band Performances
  • Bake Sales (Candy Heart Group, Breaking Boundaries, Because We Are Girls, Ad Hoc Nepal Relief Group)
  • Ad Hoc Nepal Relief Committee – Neighborhood Fundraising
  • Students selling re-usable shopping bags

There are too many individuals to name for their generous efforts, and undoubtedly some would be missed if we tried to list them all here.  You know who you are, and thank you for fulfilling our ISB Mission demonstrating that you are truly global citizens by caring for those who have had their lives upturned this past month in Nepal.

Tom Burgess

MS Principal

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