ES eNews for May 29, 2015

June 1 Visaka Bucha Day is a School Day for Teachers and Students

Monday, June 1, 2015 is NOT a holiday for students and teachers.  School is in session.  It will be a ‘D’ day.

Early Dismissal—Tuesday, June 2, 2015

All ISB students will be dismissed at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, June 2, 2015.  On Early Dismissal Days, school buses will leave at 1:15 p.m.

ES ‘Out of School Uniform’ Day—June 4 and 5, 2015

These two days are ‘Out of uniform’ days in the Elementary School.  On PE days, students need to wear their PE uniforms.  On their non PE day, students may choose to not wear their ISB uniform.

Kindergarten Picture Book Sale

Thanks so much to everyone who has sent in used picture books for the Kindergarten Book Sale!  The boxes for donations will be out until Wednesday afternoon–if you have any more books suitable for kids in Pre-K-Grade 2, we’d love to sell them! The proceeds of the sale will go to support both the Moonlight Foundation in Nepal and the Soi Prasert Free English Class. Thanks again for your support!

Book Return Update

The ES HUB would like to thank those families that took the the time and effort to return all books last week for our annual inventory.  Your child will now be able to check out books for summer.

For those families that still have outstanding books, please return books ASAP.  Please note that ISB will withhold report-cards for students with outstanding books.

Congratulations Authors!

Back in November, around 180 elementary students took on the NaNoWriMo challenge – setting an ambitious word count target and writing a novel in a month. Now, six months on, many of those fledgeling ideas have been transformed into published novels, and on May 26th a Celebration and Book Launch was held in the Hub to recognise the impressive achievements of these young student authors.

Second Chance Bangkok

Representatives from Second Chance Bangkok are coming to ISB on Thursday, June 4th as part of a Service Learning Project with Grade 3, after their presentation they will sell some of their beautiful, upcycled products.  These make wonderful presents! Shopping will be open from 9:45-1:00p.m! Please stop by!

Second Chance Bangkok is a local initiative, fair trade organization in the Klong Toey Slum that seeks reuse household items and create employment opportunities for people who have experienced barriers to employment.  They also finance projects that support families in these slums.

For Parents of Current ISB Grade 5 – 7 Students – Math Placement Procedures

Why are students placed into different math classes in Middle School?

We know that children develop cognitively, socially, and emotionally at differing rates just as they develop physically at different rates. We also know that the developmental readiness of a student is an important factor in determining the appropriate level of challenge that will lead a middle school student to be successful in her/his learning in mathematics. All our students eventually develop the cognitive ability, organization, and time management skills to deal with higher levels of abstract thinking. However, they do not all develop these factors at the same time.  Developmental readiness is not a measure of intelligence, but is a measure of the developing maturity of student thinking skills as well as their Habits and Attitudes for Learning. Thus, our Grade 6 – 8 Mathematics classes are specifically designed to provide appropriate and challenging mathematical problem solving opportunities for all students. Our math classes are listed below.  By providing different classes, we believe we are able to provide a challenging math curriculum, based on readiness, for all students.

Grade 6 Math 6 Math 6 Advanced
Grade 7 Math 7 Math 7 Advanced
Grade 8 Math 8 Math 8 Advanced MS Algebra 1

How will students be placed in math classes?

The MS Math Department and Administration will meet before the end of the school year and review the following criteria for each student to make placements:

  •       End-of-Year Math Assessment scores
  •       Math grades on semester report cards for the entire year
  •       HAL scores on end of year report cards
  •       ISA scores (grades 5 and 7)
  •       MAP scores
  •       Teacher recommendations for placement

When will placements be made?

Based on the information above, all students will be placed by the end of this school year into the math class we feel is best for each student for the coming school year.  Early in the new school year, adjustments to the placement may be made on a case-by-case basis based upon individual student progress at that time.

Our goal is to provide a MS Mathematics Program that is loaded with opportunities for us to challenge each student at their level of readiness and to enrich their study of mathematics. It is our ultimate goal at ISB to foster a love of mathematics in all students, together with the conviction and confidence that they can enroll in and master the most challenging mathematics in high school and university.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Bruce Melhorn, MS Mathematics Department Head

Tom Burgess, MS Principal

(Repeat) Summer Learning Links

Parents!  Summer is an incredible opportunity to spend time with your children reading, playing and having rich experiences as a family.  In order to support you, here are a few resources that were shared at recent parent training by your Learning Coaches and Teacher Librarians: Enjoy!

(Repeat) World Language Choice for 2015-2016

The World Language choice form went home last weekto those students who need to make a choice for the next school year.  Students in pull-out EAL and LS programs and Thai national students do not need to make this choice.  Completed forms must be returned to homeroom teachers on Monday, June 1, 2015.

(Repeat) Father Daughter photos

KidsFoto father-daughter dance photos are in. Please stop by the CAO office Monday through Friday from 7:00 to 11:00 and 12:00 to 3:00 to pick up your prints.

(Repeat) Health Letter for Returning Students

The purpose of this communication is to inform you of updates to ISB’s Health Requirements which will require your action and to provide you with the health form for returning students in the 2015-16 school year.

As we look ahead to the next school year, we want to give families ample time to plan for health appointments and allow for the Health Clinic staff to perform any necessary follow up. In addition, we want to highlight some minor changes to the health form requirements for this year.

For the 2015-2016 school year, all returning students are required to have a complete physical examination that includes:
1)   Overall health assessment
2)   Hearing and vision screening
3)   Cardiac evaluation with ECG – Required only for students entering Gr 6, 9, and 11

Annual physicals are an excellent opportunity to provide benchmarks regarding your child’s overall health and to create a picture of progress and development over time.  This information enables early detection of emerging issues, a review of immunization status, and the opportunity to inform the school of any changes related to recent illness or injury.  For the upcoming school year, a change has been made to limit the ECG requirement for only those students entering Grades 6, 9 and 11. This allows for an age-appropriate assessment of health while increasing efficiency in the administration of student health information. These changes were made in consultation with local pediatric health professionals and health resources in the ISB community.

Action required:
All returning students are required to complete and submit the Comprehensive Physical Examination Report Form by June 30, 2015.  Please follow up with your local healthcare provider, a healthcare provider in your home country or take advantage of established ISB Student Packages at either World Medical Center or Bumrungrad International Hospital. When making the appointment, please indicate that the appointment is for the ISB Comprehensive Physical for an existing student.  In addition, please bring the Comprehensive Physical Exam form and the student ID (if available) in order to receive the established package pricing.  Price details are listed below.

Please submit the completed Comprehensive Physical Examination Report Form to the ISB Health Clinic in person or via email ( by June 30, 2015. 

ISB is committed to your child’s overall development, both educationally and health related.  Should you have any questions regarding either ISB’s health requirements or the forms, please contact the Health Clinic, or the Health Consultant, Sonja Roback.

Usa Somboon                         Sonja Roback
Headmistress                         Nurse Consultant

(Repeat) Summer School 2015 at ISB

Planning on being in Bangkok during June or July?  Looking for something for your child(ren) to do?  Then this is the year to join us for ISB’s exciting and enriching Summer School Program!  Once again students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 will be learning in an environment that is nurturing, academically challenging, and socially engaging.  ISB’s highly qualified teachers are inspired professionals dedicated to creating the best possible learning experiences.  New ideas, new curriculum and new friends await each student.

We have a range of classes that are sure to meet every student’s needs.  Registration is now open with an Early Bird special that expires on May 29.  For more information on program dates, courses, costs, and registration process, please click here then open tabs located on the left side of the page under the heading of Summer School.

(Repeat) If You Know you are Leaving ISB

Families who are leaving ISB at the end of the school year are asked to inform the school as soon as possible using the official Notice of Withdrawal Form.  This helps us prepare school records for your child and with planning for next year.  Completed forms can be dropped off at the ES Office.

Calendar of Events

May/June  2015

May 29-30 After School Dance (ASD) Performances
Jun 1 Visaka Bucha (Holiday for Classified Staff); School in Session
Jun 2 1:00 pm Early Dismissal
June 4-5 ES ‘Out of School Uniform’ Day
Jun 5 Lost and Found Display
First Friday with Andy 8:00 am
Jun 8 Gr. 5 ‘Moving On’ Celebration 8:00 am
Jun 10 Report Card  Released on PowerSchool
Last Day of School
11:30 Student Dismissal
 Jun 15  Summer School Begins


About Tina

ES secretary
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