(Repeat) Kindergarten Picture Book Sale

In Kindergarten, we have a tradition of holding a used picture book sale in June. This event allows the children to reuse books that they have finished reading and to raise money to benefit an important cause. This year, the proceeds of our sale will go to support both the Moonlight Foundation in Nepal and to help start a lending library for neighborhood children that is being organized by volunteers with the Soi Prasert Free English Class. The sale will be held on Thursday, June 4th. We are now collecting gently used picture books for the sale!  Our students will be selling books to the Pre-K, Grade One, and Grade Two classes. If you have some used books that you think would be appreciated by this age group, please send them in sometime before the end of May. You can drop off books beginning next week in the large box in front of the Elementary School office or in boxes outside the doors of the Kindergarten classrooms. Thanks so much for your support!


About Tina

ES secretary
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