High School Counseling Newsletter

Ryan Haynes

Grade 9: Grade 9 students will be encountering some of their remaining formative and summative assessments for the school year. With final exams and summer break not too far away, many students will shift focus to 5 weeks down the road. Now is the time to finish strong and draw upon academic stamina in addressing their studies. In speaking with 9th graders, you can see the growth that has taken place from the beginning of the school year with many developing good self-management and coping strategies.

I would also again encourage 9th graders to introduce themselves to their new counselor for next year. This will be the counselor they will have for grades 10 -12. All of the students have been informed awhile back of whom their new counselor is. Also, if parents have questions in regards to next year, it would be a good idea to contact the counselor for next year while copying Mr. Davy (current 9th grade counselor).

Grade 10: We’re on the “home stretch” of the school year and the counselors hope that your sons and daughters are well organized in the area of long and short-term assignments.  The students who get stressed the most at the end of the semester are usually those who have difficulty in planning their time and setting aside time for the longer-term projects.  If your son or daughter is having trouble juggling all of his/her responsibilities, advise them to see their counselor for a little assistance.  We’re here to help!

Grade 11:

With the end of the school year approaching please encourage your sons/daughters to be proactive in regards to completing assignments, meeting with teachers, and preparing for exams.

Grade 12: While exams can be stressful, it’s been great to see Seniors so focused, responsible, and supportive of one another during these last 2 weeks. They’ve been putting to practice some great time-management, collaborative, and study skills that will follow them at university.

Today is the deadline for Seniors to complete a survey choosing sessions they’d like to attend on Senior Transition Day Monday, May 25 from 7:30-2:00. Whether they attend a session on roommates, self-defense, finances, or mindfulness, we’re sure every Senior will take something away to help them in this transition. Laptops will also be collected this day. Seniors should bring their laptop fully charged and their charger.

Please remind your Senior that there is a mandatory survey in Naviance entitled “Class of 2015 Graduation Survey.” It is due before Monday, May 25.

Sending your son/daughter “home” for university while you remain abroad? You may find this Wall Street Journal article interesting.

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