For Parents of Current ISB Grade 5 – 7 Students – Math Placement Procedures

Dear Parents,

Why are students placed into different math classes in Middle School?

We know that children develop cognitively, socially, and emotionally at differing rates just as they develop physically at different rates. We also know that the developmental readiness of a student is an important factor in determining the appropriate level of challenge that will lead a middle school student to be successful in her/his learning in mathematics. All our students eventually develop the cognitive ability, organization, and time management skills to deal with higher levels of abstract thinking. However, they do not all develop these factors at the same time.  Developmental readiness is not a measure of intelligence, but is a measure of the developing maturity of student thinking skills as well as their Habits and Attitudes for Learning. Thus, our Grade 6 – 8 Mathematics classes are specifically designed to provide appropriate and challenging mathematical problem solving opportunities for all students. Our math classes are listed below.  By providing different classes, we believe we are able to provide a challenging math curriculum, based on readiness, for all students.

Grade 6 Math 6 Math 6 Advanced
Grade 7 Math 7 Math 7 Advanced
Grade 8 Math 8 Math 8 Advanced MS Algebra 1

How will students be placed in math classes?

The MS Math Department and Administration will meet before the end of the school year and review the following criteria for each student to make placements:

  • End-of-Year Math Assessment scores
  • Math grades on semester report cards for the entire year
  • HAL scores on end of year report cards
  • ISA scores (grades 5 and 7)
  • MAP scores
  • Teacher recommendations for placement

When will placements be made?

Based on the information above, all students will be placed by the end of this school year into the math class we feel is best for each student for the coming school year.  Early in the new school year, adjustments to the placement may be made on a case-by-case basis based upon individual student progress at that time.

Our goal is to provide a MS Mathematics Program that is loaded with opportunities for us to challenge each student at their level of readiness and to enrich their study of mathematics. It is our ultimate goal at ISB to foster a love of mathematics in all students, together with the conviction and confidence that they can enroll in and master the most challenging mathematics in high school and university.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Bruce Melhorn, MS Mathematics Department Head

Tom Burgess, MS Principal

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