EdTech News

Christopher Bell

EdTech will be fixing many of the problems with computers and the issue of slowness over the summer.  Because of this maintenance we need Grade 9 and 10 to return their computers and chargers on June 10th during Comm Groups.

Grade 12:
Your computer and charger are due on May 25 to the MPB.  Failure to return your computer at this time will result in a REPORT CARD HOLD.

Grades 9 and 10:
Computers are due on June 10th during Comm Group time.  Failure to return your computer at this time will result in a REPORT CARD HOLD.

Grade 11:
Keep your computer for over the summer to work on your EE.  We will schedule a time in August.


We will schedule time to replace your harddrives in August.  Chad will be sending out information

What do you need to do?

  • Backup and Remove ALL of your Data – Music, Videos and Documents to an external harddrive
  • Drop your computer and charger at the appropriate time

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Christopher Bell, christob@isb.ac.th

**If you are in Summer School – you do not have to return your computer at this time.  We will schedule a time in August.

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