Reminder: 2015 BOT Elections/AGM – May 19th

by: Joy Davy
Chair, Committee on Trustees, BOT

Please don’t forget to cast your votes for the 2015 BOT Elections on Tuesday, May 19.

1. Polling booths will be set up in the foyer of the Chevron Theater if you want to vote in person. Voting at this center will be from 7 am to 6 pm. An ISB photo ID will be required.

2. A similar polling station will be set up at the Emporium Suites for those living downtown and can’t get to Nichada on the 19th. Voting at this center will be from 7 am to 12 pm. An ISB photo ID will also be required.

3. You can send in your ballots through your spouse or child, no friends, maids or drivers, please. Don’t forget to sign the envelope over the sealed flap and remind your spouse or child to bring their photo ID.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the ISA members will start at 7 pm. The Head of School and the Board of Trustees will present the 2014-2015 annual reports. Finally, the results of the 2015 BOT elections will be announced at the end of the evening.

Please make your votes count and we look forward to seeing you all at the AGM on May 19!

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