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 Final Welcome Wai Coffee for this School Year! Wednesday 13th May 2015, 1pm @ Starbucks Nichada

Still not quite settled? Have questions you would like to know the answers to or perhaps you are now feeling that you yourself would like to welcome those coming to ISB at the start of the new school year?  Come along on the 13th of May or email us at The Welcome Wai team would love to hear from you

Last two ‘Lost and Found’ days this year

Only 2 more Lost/Found days this year!!  Take time to stop by the MS/HS Cafeteria this Friday to claim your belongings!  Items will be on display from 8:30am-1:30pm.  In the meantime, check out our Facebook page (Search name:  ISB Lost & Found) for recently posted items.  See you Friday

Courtney Reed & Natalie Lollback, L/F Coordinators

Annual PTA General Meeting to be held at 6 PM on May 19 in the Cultural Center Theater

Please join us for the annual PTA General Meeting to be held at 6 PM on May 19 in the Cultural Center Theater. During that time we will vote on proposed changes to the PTA By Laws, vote for the new PTA Executive Board, and consider the year in review. Please contact Charlotte Hallengren at for details, proposed by laws, and information on how to get involved.

End of Year Booster Hut BOOSTER SALE BLOW OUT

eNews booster sale3

ISB British and Irish Community – Lunch Social – Friday 29th May at 12:00pm

There will be a lunch social for the ISB British and Irish community on Friday 29th May starting at 12:00pm at Le Bouchon.  This is our last Social for the school year! RSVPs please to Heather Powell ( or mobile 083 293 2169). 

Booster Club is excited to announce the 2015-2016 Executive Board

Laurie Tyre President
Lynn Jones VP/SpiritEvents
Terri Thomas Treasurer
Karen Mitchell Secretary
Kathleen Norman Academics
Laura Sadowski F&P Arts
Terri Alexander Athletics
Erin Byrne Booster Hut
Hyemin Lim Booster Hut
Patricia McCue Chinatown
Denise Warta MS Liaison
Sarah Brogden ES Liaison
Cheryl June Pancake Bfast
Mindy Lorber Pancake Bfast
Alyson Espinoza Diaz Panther Pops
Kevin Sypolt Recognitions
Marilu Emery Purchasing
Aparna Gopalan Purchasing Assistant
Jill Edison U17 Coordinator

Welcome Wai Community Volunteers Needed for 2015-2016

The Welcome Wai Coordinators are requesting Community volunteers to assist with the welcome to new families in August 2015. In particular we would like to hear from you if you are from America, Australia/ New Zealand, India, Korea, Philippines and Scandinavia. This is not a “Community Rep” role, this volunteer request is to support the Welcome Wai team by sharing information with families arriving from your these countries. If you would like more information please email or phone Heather Powell 083 293 2169. Thank you for considering helping with this valuable role.


Final Touchstone Issue 4. out 3 June 2015

Read Touchstone online 


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