Summer Learning Parent Workshop

This past Thursday the ES learning coaches and the librarian hosted a parent training that focused on summer learning ideas for our kids.  Some of the key ideas included:

  • The importance of reading over the vacation – reading to our kids, with our kids and our kids reading on their own.
  • Keep a writing journal – a great place for kids to keep memories and artefacts of their vacation
  • Write letters and emails to friends and relatives.
  • Common Sense Media has a great summer learning guide with lots of apps and online programs to support kids’ creativity over the holiday.
  • The HUB will be open over the vacation so that kids and adults can check out books.  Children should be accompanied by an adult.
  • Visit theHUB Website to find book lists by grade level, ebook libraries, and suggested reading web pages. Passwords available in the HUB.
  • Playing games – card, dice and board games – are a great way to keep up math skills and positive attitudes
  • Keep a “math toolkit” in your purse or backpack with a tape measure, deck of cards, paper and pen so that math can be enjoyed on-the-go.
  • Enjoy the vacation – enjoy family, being in the outdoors and having time to pause.

To find out more details and all of the links that were shared, check the Hub’s Summer Learning Guide that will be up and running next week!

About Tina

ES secretary
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