Yoga Pray For Nepal

by Napisa C. Pant & John Lambert

Yoga Pray For Nepal

A donation yoga class to raise funds for Nepal Children

On April 25, a powerful 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal, near the capital of Kathmandu. To urgently reach out to the Nepalese children, Yoga Pray For Nepal was immediately created. The raised funds will be for two organizations: Moonlight Kindergarten channeled through ISB and The Nepal Orphans Home in Kathmandu.

Last Friday, May 1, non-yoga practitioners and heart core yoga practitioners pulled together in sweat and tear of Sun Salutation A B, to Z and chanted Love to all, Pray for all, for the new hope. The donation was

54,000 baht in a 75 minutes class. The total donation at this minute is 107,271 baht.

The funds were already sent to both organizations, shared half and half.

We are truly blessed to be in the ISB and Nichada Community, to be able to join our energy and reach out to those in dire need. We thank you for joining us in our efforts and prayers for Nepal.

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