High School Counseling Newsletter

Jackie Valenzuela

Grade 12 – Thursday, 12th grade parents had the opportunity to address and learn more about the upcoming transition both students and parents will be experiencing in the next few months. A copy of the presentation has been sent to parents. Don’t forget, your Seniors will have a Senior Transition Day program on Monday, May 25 from 7:20-2:00 where they will turn in their laptops, get final information about transcripts necessary for universities, and start focusing on the transition through a number of different workshops.

Grade 11On Monday we held an essay workshop for students.  It was a productive time. If you are thinking about taking the June SAT the deadline to register is May 8. Begin preparing for end of semester exams.  Reviewing a little every day will alleviate stress at the finish line.  You’re almost there!

Grade 10 – 10th grade parents were able to hear from Clay Hensley at the College Board this week regarding the redesigned SAT beginning in May 2016 (PSAT in October 2015). For more information on the story behind this change, read this NY Times Magazine article. An important message was clear. The best preparation for the SAT is the work students are already doing at ISB through thinking critically and problem solving. Gone are the days of rote memorization of things like vocabulary words. A copy of this presentation information will be sent soon to parents.

Grade 9 – This week students received their individual exam schedule through powerschool on the “Quick Look up Screen”. This will hopefully not incite too much anxiety. Before exams take place there will be several other projects, papers, and assignments that will take place – focusing on doing well in these will be important. As we get closer to exams, teachers will give preparation sessions during class and sometimes after school. So the message is for now: a little review is okay but do not start to stress about end of year exams – just continue to work hard in school and find time for yourself beyond your studies.

Upcoming University Visits

Wednesday, May 6 (during lunch in Room 203)

University of Chicago
Johns Hopkins University

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