Important BOT Election Updates

by Joy Davy
COT Chair
Board of Trustees

Thank you to all who came to last Monday’s Meet the Candidates’ Night. For those who weren’t able to attend, the podcast link is available for you to be able to hear the candidates’ speeches. Make your votes count on May 19!

On a related matter, word has reached us that some of the election packets mailed to the homes of ISB community members were completely drenched in Monday’s torrential downpour and rendered them unusable.

We have therefore attached the full election packet below so members who need to can just print the ballots themselves. You can use ordinary letter envelopes to put your ballots in but please remember to sign them on the sealed flaps to make them valid.

Alternatively, a voting member can just go to the designated voting stations (ISB Chevron Theater and Emporium Suites Lobby) and cast their ballots in person. Ballots will be made available at the stations; please don’t forget to bring your ISB photo ID.


AGMInvitation2015 _Part1

AGMInvitation2015 _Part2

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