Girl Scouts Collecting Used Instruments & School Supplies

by Andrea Modlin

This week, we will all be amazed and entertained by Kofi as he brings his Western African music to ISB.  Students ranging from Pre-K through 12th grade will all be impacted by this learning and cultural opportunity!  The Girl Scouts in Troop 40005 want to help the students at Kofi’s Nunya School by donating instruments and school supplies to the his students.  If you have an unused trumpet, triangle or grand piano we would love to help you donate it!  Please contact Andrea Modlin ( or at 089.897.2324 to arrange for pick-up.  Any and all school supplies with life in them are also welcome!   Cash donations are also most welcome!  Alternate donation point is at the Choir Concert on Thursday evening.  Donations accepted through May 1.

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