High School Counseling Newsletter

Jackie Valenzuela

Grade 12
We hope you had a wonderful and restful Songkran with your family. It’s hard to believe how fast this year has gone by. Study leave for Seniors begins next Thursday.

Seniors are reminded that they must let their counselor know of their university application decisions. If they need help looking at options and making decisions, counselors are more than happy to help! Remember that students can only deposit to ONE university (no double deposits).

If a student is waitlisted at a university and still wants to be considered for a place should one become available, they should speak with their counselor about this. Most UK applicants should have decisions by now. They should pay close attention to deadlines for indicating their firm and insurance choices.

For students who are applying to universities in the next few months, any requests for documents (transcripts, recommendations, etc.) must be submitted at least three weeks before the university deadline. Transcript request forms are available in the counseling office.

Please mark your calendars for Thursday, April 30 at 8:30am in the MPB#1. Counselors invite you to attend the Grade 12 Parent Transition Meeting.  This will be a good opportunity to look at preparing your son or daughter for the realities of transitioning to university as well as a chance for you to prepare for your own transition and adjustment. We look forward to seeing you! Please RSVP here.

Once IB exams are finished, Seniors are invited to a Senior Transition Day on Monday, May 25 from 7:20-2:05. A variety of activities and sessions are planned to help students as they begin to focus on their post high school transition.

Grade 11
On Monday, April 27 during Flex, University Lab will focus on university application essay writing. Our time together will include essay prompts that are commonly used, do’s and don’ts of application essay writing, essay topics to avoid, and more.

Grade 10
How is your son’s/daughter’s agenda/calendar looking these days?  Can he/she get the work done and still have a life?  Make sure they are allowing time for working on long-term projects as part of a daily plan; that way, the work doesn’t get piled up and result in sleep-deprived nights of cramming and completion of projects.  How does your child “unwind”?  Is that in their calendar?  It should be!

Schedules are falling into place for next year’s 11th graders. Most look really good. A few cause some concerns about how many courses there are and how realistic are the chances of success.  Students (and parents who guide them) that design their courses of study around what they think universities like to see, invariably let themselves down and have difficulty staying engaged and motivated. Make your schedule, don’t try to fit into a perceived mold of what constitutes a “high flier”!

As you may know, the redesigned SAT will first be administered in May 2016 (more information available here). Current 10th grade students will be the first to sit this newly designed exam. In October, all 11th graders will have the opportunity if they choose to take the PSAT which will also be redesigned to reflect the changes.

ISB will host a webinar next Thursday, April 30 at 7:30am in room #203 (next to the HS Counseling Office) with Mr. Clay Hensley from the CollegeBoard. This is a great opportunity to hear directly from the organization who created this new assessment about the changes. Parents will have an opportunity to ask questions and we’re very appreciative that Mr. Hensley has agreed to donate some time specifically to the ISB community. Please add any questions you may have here in this document no later than Wednesday, April 29

Grade 9
Hopefully all of our 9th graders are rested after the break and ready to roll up their sleeves and finish strongly for the remainder of the school year. This week students will be receiving their individual exam schedule through Powerschool on the “Quick Look up Screen”. This will hopefully not incite too much anxiety. Before exams there will be several other projects, papers, and assignments that will take place. Focusing on doing well in these will be important. As we get closer to exams, teachers will give preparation sessions during class and sometimes after school. So the message for now is: a little review is okay but do not start to stress about end of year exams.  Continue to work hard in school and find time for yourself beyond your studies.

Upcoming University Visits

Monday, April 27
San Diego State University
Bryn Mawr College
Connecticut College
Bennington College

Wednesday, April 29

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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