And then there are 12….

By: Joy Davy, Chair
Committee on Trustees

The BOT is pleased to announce the slate of candidates for the upcoming BOT elections on May 19, 2015. The candidates’ nominations forms are available as attachments and on the website: Voters’ packets will be distributed to all ISA members on the last week of April which will give everyone enough time to be familiar with the voting procedures and to look through the candidates’ nominations forms. Ballots for voting will be included in the packet.

All ISA members are invited to attend the“Meet the Candidates” night on Monday, April 27, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the ES MPR to hear what the candidates have to say and to give the opportunity for all ISA members to ask questions from the candidates.

The candidates for the BOT 2015 Elections are:

1. Ms. Elizabeth Shear Bredin
2. Mr. Sumiter Singh Broca
3. Mr. Marc de Vries
4. Mr. Bill Harvey
5. Mr. John Heinecke
6. Mr. Janewit Kraprayoon
7. Ms. Monika Mangla
8. Mr. Michael March
9. Mr. Ken Ohashi
10. Mr. Charles Rubin
11. Mr. Jeffrey Lynn Sampler
12. Ms. Nisha Westerman

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