High School Counseling Newsletter

Kevin Davy

Grade 9
These past few weeks for some 9th graders has been a very busy time with assessments and projects due. Self-Management during these times is very important – prioritizing & planning are key. As part of the planning students are encouraged still to use all of their resources – their planner, their Google – calendar, Haiku etc. I am pleased to say that many of the 9th graders have developed a system for themselves in planning. Part of the planning should involve time for brain breaks and physical activity when possible; as we know this leads to greater productivity.

Students are also encouraged to speak with their teacher and counselor when assignments and deadlines start to stack up around the same time. Students and parents are reminded that students should not have more than 2 summative assessments on the same day. If a student does have more than two then they should speak to their teachers first to try and rearrange, if this is not possible then they should consult with Mr. Davy

Grade 10
Keeping up with assignments is complicated and challenging – students who are always playing “catch-up” tend to be our most stressed kids.  How does your son or daughter keep track of assignments/responsibilities?  What type of calendar to they use?  Handwritten agenda, electronic application?  Getting everything in one place is one of the key elements that successful students have in common.  Check with your son or daughter, and if they have difficulty keeping track of their obligations, help them get organized or send them to their counselor.  We’re here to help!

Grade 11
On Monday, March 30, in the MPB at 2:05pm, the High School Counselors are offering a special Grade 11 University Lab session for students who are interested in applying to the UK. The session will include information regarding UCAS Personal Statements and information for students who may want to apply to Oxford or Cambridge.

For those Grade 11 students thinking about taking the May 2015 SAT, the deadline to register is April 6. To register for the SAT, students need to go to www.collegeboard.com and complete the registration process. If students have questions regarding registering for the SAT, please have them see their counselor.

Lastly, if Grade 11 students have not already done so, they need to complete their Junior Packet, submit it to Khun Wah, and schedule a Junior Conference.

Grade 12
It’s mid March and graduation is less than three months away. Seniors are experiencing many lasts: last Cultural Convention, last IASAS, etc. Add to that the upcoming IB exams and the next two weeks when many university application decisions are made (April 1 for US universities). It all equals a lot of stress, anxiety, withdrawal, excitement, and uncertainty. Try to offer your Senior a way to find some balance and perspective as they prepare for their next adventure. Whatever it is they are feeling (and you), they are not alone!

Songkran is right around the corner. How can they use that time enjoy family, explore favorite activities and prepare for exams. For some of you, this is your first child to graduate and for others it is your last (or maybe even your only). Here are a few helpful articles and resources for you as a parent during this period of transition.

International Family Transitions

A Third Culture Kid’s Guide to College

The Transition From School to University

Self-Compassion For Freshman

University Visits

Tuesday, March 31 – University of British Columbia

Thursday, April 2 – Northeastern University and Raffles International College

Friday, April 3 – New York University, Abu Dhabi

All visits are during lunch period in room 203 at 10:20.

Be sure to check Naviance regularly to see the up to date information as it changes often!

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