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Parent Advisory: Not all student trips are ISB sponsored
Philip Bradley

Parents should be aware that some students organise trips independently of the school and that these trips are NOT supported by ISB.

For many years ISB has promoted school trips, off campus visits and activities; we know they are some of the most memorable and authentic learning experiences that we can provide for our students.  These trips are popular with the students and can be truly inspirational.  Some examples include GCW courses, IASAS, community service and trips associated with specific subjects like IB Geography.

As important as the learning is on any trip, nothing is more important than student safety. ISB has made a big commitment to ensure that all of our trips are as safe as they can possibly be. To this end:

  • We employ a safety manager who reviews all trips,
  • We use our collective knowledge and experience to inform our decisions,
  • We ensure an appropriate level of trained supervision on every trip,
  • We train our staff in first aid and emergency responses,
  • We conduct detailed risk assessments well ahead of trips,
  • We comply with Ministry of Education guidelines,
  • We have student accident insurance,
  • We gather detail trip planning logistics for all overnight trips,
  • We ensure we have reliable local information related to emergency services and security,
  • We notify/liaise with Thai authorities and appropriate embassies,
  • We limit the number of trips we run to ensure safety over quantity,
  • If we are not confident that a trip meets all of our expectations it will NOT proceed

A group of ISB students travelling together does not constitute an ISB trip, even if the activity is worthwhile or educational in nature. An ISB trip will always be chaperoned by an ISB staff member. If you are in any doubt that a trip is an official ISB trip – contact the school and check. Previously, some parents have mistakenly given “permission” for their children to travel on trips believing they were ISB trips. We instruct ISB teachers not to support or attend any trips or activities that are not official ISB trips.

Since student safety is our priority we advise against students undertaking their own trips which we feel are unlikely to be as safe as an “official ISB” trip.

HS Admin


Grade 12 Information
Philip Rogers

Next Tuesday all Seniors will be having a meeting (2:15 pm in MPB) where important information will be provided regarding their upcoming IB, AP or ISB exams in May.  Please note that ALL Seniors will be on study leave as ofThursday 30th April.

  • Exam rules and regulations
  • Exam schedules are available via Powerschool
  • Transportation on Tuesday 5th May (public holiday)
  • IB & AP Results release on 6th July
  • IB Results to universities



High School Counseling Newsletter
Kevin Davy

Grade 9
These past few weeks for some 9th graders has been a very busy time with assessments and projects due. Self-Management during these times is very important – prioritizing & planning are key. As part of the planning students are encouraged still to use all of their resources – their planner, their Google – calendar, Haiku etc. I am pleased to say that many of the 9th graders have developed a system for themselves in planning. Part of the planning should involve time for brain breaks and physical activity when possible; as we know this leads to greater productivity.

Students are also encouraged to speak with their teacher and counselor when assignments and deadlines start to stack up around the same time. Students and parents are reminded that students should not have more than 2 summative assessments on the same day. If a student does have more than two then they should speak to their teachers first to try and rearrange, if this is not possible then they should consult with Mr. Davy

Grade 10
Keeping up with assignments is complicated and challenging – students who are always playing “catch-up” tend to be our most stressed kids.  How does your son or daughter keep track of assignments/responsibilities?  What type of calendar to they use?  Handwritten agenda, electronic application?  Getting everything in one place is one of the key elements that successful students have in common.  Check with your son or daughter, and if they have difficulty keeping track of their obligations, help them get organized or send them to their counselor.  We’re here to help!

Grade 11
On Monday, March 30, in the MPB at 2:05pm, the High School Counselors are offering a special Grade 11 University Lab session for students who are interested in applying to the UK. The session will include information regarding UCAS Personal Statements and information for students who may want to apply to Oxford or Cambridge.

For those Grade 11 students thinking about taking the May 2015 SAT, the deadline to register is April 6. To register for the SAT, students need to go to and complete the registration process. If students have questions regarding registering for the SAT, please have them see their counselor.

Lastly, if Grade 11 students have not already done so, they need to complete their Junior Packet, submit it to Khun Wah, and schedule a Junior Conference.

Grade 12
It’s mid March and graduation is less than three months away. Seniors are experiencing many lasts: last Cultural Convention, last IASAS, etc. Add to that the upcoming IB exams and the next two weeks when many university application decisions are made (April 1 for US universities). It all equals a lot of stress, anxiety, withdrawal, excitement, and uncertainty. Try to offer your Senior a way to find some balance and perspective as they prepare for their next adventure. Whatever it is they are feeling (and you), they are not alone!

Songkran is right around the corner. How can they use that time enjoy family, explore favorite activities and prepare for exams. For some of you, this is your first child to graduate and for others it is your last (or maybe even your only). Here are a few helpful articles and resources for you as a parent during this period of transition.

International Family Transitions

A Third Culture Kid’s Guide to College

The Transition From School to University

Self-Compassion For Freshman

University Visits

Tuesday, March 31 – University of British Columbia
Thursday, April 2 – Northeastern University and Raffles International College
Friday, April 3 – New York University, Abu Dhabi

All visits are during lunch period in room 203 at 10:20.

Be sure to check Naviance regularly to see the up to date information as it changes often!





HS Strings, Band and Choir Concert
Marianne Derow 

The HS Strings, Band and Choir Concert held on Wednesday, April 1st @ 6:30 pm in the Chevron Theatre will feature all HS music performance groups, including the jazz group. Come to hear a wide variety of classical to contemporary music that will be a delight for both the eyes and ears.


Recent articles include:
Duffy Conor

Good Morning Planet Earth (Ep. 6): The boys take a humourous look at ISB as our very own Bear Gryllis drops in to provide survival advice. (Cole, Dylan, Robbie and Zach)

“The Mysterious Disappearance of GPA” (Tosia)

Panther Productions – March 23rd (incl. a feature on last week’s Dance Madness and Sports Exchanges)

PantherNation link:




Cafeteria News… Did You Know…?
ISB Cafeteria (Michelle)

Yellow Mango Mania is Back!!  There are actually some blessings that come along as the scorching hot season commences. One of the best is the naturally ripe, sweet fruit we can savor at this time.  This would include the ‘King of Fruits’, the yellow mango.  We’re whipping up fresh Seasonal Fruit Smoothies such as our Mango Madness, Mango Strawberry Kiss and Mango Blueberry Bang at the Grind. The health benefits of Mango are so numerous, we will only be able to mention a few: Mangoes are rich in antioxidants and alkalizing properties which help combat cancer causing agents, inflammation and other disease. They contain high levels of fiber and vitamin C which lower cholesterol and boost the immune system. Mangoes are high in vitamin A which improves vision. And if that is not yet enough, add our Superfoods, Organic Wheatgrass and Organic Ground Flaxseeds, to any smoothie to create the ultimate health boost, all in one cup!  Enjoy.

New: Check us out on facebook: Follow us on twitter:




ISB Panther Gymnastics Team
Charlotte Hansen

Dear MS and HS students,

The ISB Panther Gymnastics is considering creating a weekly class for MS and HS students only next term. But we need some feed back from you to find out how many of you would be interested and, if so, which time, what kind of class and much more.

If you are interested in such a class next term, please go to this page and fill in the short questionnaire.
ISB Panther Gymnastics



World Scholar’s Cup
Selena Gallagher

This past weekend, the 21st and 22nd March, ISB played host to the Bangkok Round of the World Scholar’s Cup. This unique co-curricular enrichment event was attended by 300 students from around Thailand and further afield, including 38 ISB students.




eNewsletter Guidelines
Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings

The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.


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