Yoga For Freedom

by Napisa C. Pant.

Last Saturday, March 21, at 7:30 am, Yoga For Freedom welcomed little children, kids, students, teachers and parents at a very vibrant place, the HS Dance Studio.

Each of us joined our hearts and energy together to raise the awareness and fund to support the Anti-Trafficking organization. We practiced and we laughed into the family fun oriented yoga practice lead by ISB parent yogis. This is 6th year event. We are getting stronger, and feel thankful for the community’s generous support for the event. We raised 39,100 bht for ZOE ChildrenHome in Chiengmai.

You will enjoy the link of the pictures very soon.

Big Gratitude to ISB Yoga Community, Traffic Jam Club, Thai PTA, ISB families, Twist, Central Department and Nichada Thani

Thank you for being part of giving a new life.



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