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Health Communication: Heat Illness

ISB Health Clinic

It’s Hot Outside! Taking Care in Extreme Heat

Information on Heat Illness from the ISB Health Clinic

Heat related illnesses include a range of illness including heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and most serious, heat stroke, which can be a life-threatening condition. These conditions are caused by a combination of high temperatures, fluid loss and a loss of salts in the body. In Thailand, we have ample exposure to high temperatures and levels of humidity but this acclimatization does not equal immunity to heat illness. We want to give you information on early warning signs and how to prevent heat illness. The early warning signs indicate that the body is having difficulty cooling itself.

Why is it important for the ISB to promote awareness of heat illness?

At ISB, students and adults participate in many activities and classes held outside. These events and activities occur year round, and temperatures and humidity at this time of year begin to climb into high risk zones. According to the American National Federation of High School Associations, “exertional heat stroke is the leading cause of preventable death in high school athletics.” This is why it is important for students, athletes, parents and carers to be aware of prevention strategies, and know how to respond when someone exhibits signs of the body having difficulty cooling itself.

How can I tell the difference between normal heat response and heat illness?

The body’s normal response to heat and humidity is sweating. As temperatures and humidity increase, and if activity is strenuous such as in exercise or athletic events, sweating alone may not be adequate to sufficiently cool the body. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights certain groups of people who are at higher risk of developing heat illness including the elderly, infants and children younger than 4, people with chronic or recent illness or on certain medications. Become familiar with the symptoms of heat illness below.

Signs and symptoms of heat-related illness:

  • Heat Rash: small, red bumps on skin, itching, discomfort, “prickly” type of pain
  • Heat Cramps: earliest sign of heat illness, painful, involuntary spasm of muscles
  • Heat Exhaustion: heavy sweating, rapid pulse, fatigue, weakness, cold, clammy skin, pale appearance, nausea or vomiting
  • Heat Stroke: confusion, high body temperature, skin is hot, red, moist or dry, strong and rapid pulse, loss of consciousness

What preventive steps can I take to protect myself and my family from heat related illnesses?

The CDC recommends the following:

–       Wear sun protection

–       Wear clothing that is light in color and fits loosely

–       Drink plenty of fluids. For most exercising athletes, water is appropriate and sufficient
though electrolyte drinks may be advisable for some, especially with increased
exertion and duration. Avoid caffeine, energy drinks and alcohol.

–       Time activities to avoid intense heat and direct sun

–       Break up time in the heat with time in cool, air-conditioned buildings

–       Pay attention to the weather forecast and heat advisory warnings

Remember: The most important action in staying safe in the heat is prevention followed by early recognition of heat illness symptoms. Find more information from the CDC on Heat Illness here.

The complete ISB Heat Management Guidelines can be accessed here and also on the ISB Athletics page of the Parent Portal. ISB is committed to your child’s overall development, both educationally and health related. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider or the ISB Health Clinic (



MS & ES French Classes

Pascale Kervyn

For MS and ES parents: if your children speak French, (from moderately to fluently) and you wish to enroll them in French classes, please contact Pascale Kervyn, Representative for the French Speaking Community at ISB (


Host families needed for ISB’s Thai Scholarship Program

by Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School

Dear ISB Parents,

For the 2015/16 school year, ISB will be accepting two additional students as part of our Thai Scholarship Program. This program is designed for highly capable Thai students whose families have a demonstrated financial need. The students will be enrolled in our High School in August 2015.

We are now looking for volunteers to provide housing for these students for the 2015/16 school year. Ideally we are seeking two different host families that:

  • Live close to ISB
  • Speak English at home
  • Have a spare bedroom
  • Have a HS child
  • Would enjoy the experience of housing a scholarship student

Host families would be expected to provide food, lodging and some incidental expenses. The ISB Scholarship Fund would take care of uniforms, cafeteria meals, school trips, some clothes, school supplies, certain other incidentals and transportation costs home for holidays.

If you are interested in volunteering to host one of these students, please complete the Host Family Expression of Interest Form by clicking on this link by April 10, 2015. If you should have any questions, please contact our Scholarship Program Coordinator, Mr. Tony Arnold at

All families who submit an Interest Form will be contacted to arrange an appointment for an interview.


Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School
International School Bangkok

Host family


Booster News

by the ISB Booster Club

Our next Booster meeting is Monday, March 30 @ 11:00 a.m. in MPB2.  Please plan to join us.  There are still vacant board positions available for next year!  Come and see how you can be more involved.
Panther Pops!
Panther Pops are back on Friday, March 27!  Get them while they last!  Each Panther Pop is 30 baht and exact change is always appreciated.

HS Strings, Band and Choir Concert – April 1st

by Marianne DEROW

The HS Strings, Band and Choir Concert held on Wednesday, April 1st @ 6:30 pm in the Chevron Theatre will feature all HS music performance groups, including the jazz group. Come to hear a wide variety of classical to contemporary music that will be a delight for both the eyes and ears.


Thai Food Fair 2015 – April 3rd

by Aor

On Friday April 3rd, please come eat a variety of Thai food, drinks and desserts at the Thai Food Fair.
It will take place at the MS-HS Cafeteria from 9 am to 2 pm.
We accept cash only.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Thai parent Group

Thank you.

Best regards,

Chintana Blumenthal (Aor)


Welcome Wai Monthly Coffee (Nichada) – April 8th

by Welcome Wai

Wednesday 8th April 1pm @ Starbucks

All Parents Welcome

All parents at ISB are invited to attend the monthly Welcome Wai Coffees coordinated by the ISB’s PTA reps Heather Powell and Rachel Neale. We especially encourage new parents who arrived this 2nd semester to come along to make new contacts and have your questions answered.

The Welcome Wai coffees continue throughout the semester and so if you were unable to attend in March, we hope you can drop in on Wednesday 8th April from 1pm at Nichada Starbucks until 2pm.

No RSVPs necessary but if you have any questions please email Heather or Rachel at and we will be happy to help.





Register now for Panther Paws Track and Field!

by  Kim De Keijzer

Pre K – Grade 5

Register now for our popular Panther Paws Track and Field program taking place on Fridays: April 24May 1, 8 and 15 on the ISB track, 5 – 7pm

Cost: THB 700 per student, including shirt and water bottle

Please note: As this is a parent run activity we must have parent (not helper) volunteers for each session.

Go to :


Panther Paws

Get your goggles, bike and running shoes ready!

by Kevin Sypolt

Get your goggles, bike and running shoes ready!

The 16th Annual Colgate Kids Triathlon is just around the corner.   The race will take place on Coronation Day, Tuesday, May 5th (ISB holiday) at 7:30AM starting at the two ISB pools.

It’s shaping up to be an incredible event!  Again this year the triathletes will receive timing chips to wear around their ankles for accurate time and distance recording.  The Relay Race will again allow relay teams in each age division (based upon the oldest participant in the relay team), so athletes can form teams of three people to participate together.  One of the relay team members can be a teacher or other adult this year.

The distances this year will be:

• 5-6 year old : 50m swim, 600km bike, 500m run
• 7-8 year old:100m swim, 2.5 km bike, 800m run
• 9-10 year old: 150m swim, 4.5 km bike, 1.0 km run
• 11-12 year old:200m swim, 4.5 km bike, 1.7 km run
• 13-14 year old:250m swim, 6.8 km bike, 2.4 km run
• 15+ year old :350m swim, 9.1 km bike, 3.1 km run

Registration and other information will open on April 1st and can be found at  But please mark your calendar with this year’s triathlon date.  Please note that all participants must provide their own bike and bike helmet.

Please contact me if you have any questions.


Kevin M. Sypolt


Yoga For Freedom

by Napisa C. Pant.

Last Saturday, March 21, at 7:30 am, Yoga For Freedom welcomed little children, kids, students, teachers and parents at a very vibrant place, the HS Dance Studio.

Each of us joined our hearts and energy together to raise the awareness and fund to support the Anti-Trafficking organization. We practiced and we laughed into the family fun oriented yoga practice lead by ISB parent yogis. This is 6th year event. We are getting stronger, and feel thankful for the community’s generous support for the event. We raised 39,100 bht for ZOE ChildrenHome in Chiengmai.

You will enjoy the link of the pictures very soon.

Big Gratitude to ISB Yoga Community, Traffic Jam Club, Thai PTA, ISB families, Twist, Central Department and Nichada Thani

Thank you for being part of giving a new life.


 5th Grade Book Sale

by Sherry Heinecke

Thursday (April 23) and Friday (April 24)

Dear Parents,

The 5th grade book sale is a yearly sale put on by the 5th graders with the help of the teachers, IAs, and parents.

The Funds raised from this Charity event support the Mercy Center in Klong Toey and pays for the education for many underprivileged kids who cannot afford education. Last year they raised close to B200,000.00. This year we, of course, would like to beat that amount.

Please start sending books and/or complete board games to school with your child. The book boxes are located around the school. You may also drop them in 5th grade work room. (small room at the top of the stairs in the 5th grade quad).

Books to Donate

Children’s books

Young Adult books Fiction and Non Fiction

Adult Fiction and Non Fiction

Appropriate magazines


Please Do Not Donate

Text Books


Inappropriate Books or Magazines

Books with missing pages or covers

(These books have to be disposed of by our volunteers and takes away from actual sorting time)

 Thank you for your assistance,

Grade 5 Book Sale Team


eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. Please see our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families and ISB staff for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information
• An image or photo (optional)

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.




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