Information about Grade 7 and 8 Programs for 2015 and Submitting Course Requests…

Dear Parents of Present 6 and 7th Graders, 

Enclosed are links to information about our grade 7 and 8 programs for next school year and directions on how to submit your child’s course requests – this is done electronically within PowerSchool and they can be submitted anytime between now and 7:00am on Thursday, April 2nd.

Click here to access the PowerPoint used at the parent information meeting last night on this topic.

Parents of present 6th graders, click here to access the information package explaining steps in the process and how to submit course requests for grade 7 next year.

Parents of present 7th graders, click here to access the information package explaining steps in the process and how to submit course requests for grade 8 next year.

Click here to access the MS Program of Studies for 2015-2016.

Best Regards,

Moe Baron-Toaldo 

MS Dean of Students

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