High School Counseling Newsletter

Kevin Davy

ISB has positive relationships with many universities around the world. For those trusting relationships to continue, ISB counselors work diligently to advise students using ethical standards and practices.  In the past several years, universities have become increasingly aware of fraudulent applications being submitted by applicants from Thailand.  ISB took quick and decisive actions to protect our students by changing the application process for ISB applicants. The feedback we are receiving from universities has been very supportive.  Recently, Fortune Magazine published an article detailing the concerns by many universities regarding this issue.  Please see the full article at the below link:


The course registration window will close at 3pm on Monday March 23rd. Students register for courses through Powerschool and have been give instruction on how to do so.

This week we had a well-attended presentation on “Keeping Children Safe in Bangkok”. Our three presenters (Mr. Graeme Scott – Deputy Head of School, Mr. David Sherrell – Freedom from Chemical Dependency, and Nixon Frederick DEA DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) Program Director) gave our parents good insight and strategies on helping students make healthy choices in regards to drugs and alcohol. Here is the Powerpoint from the presentation that shares some helpful resources:


In addition, here is a helpful handout that was shared on parenting strategies:


Grade 9

This week 9th graders smaller group meetings on Tuesday with Grade 10-12 counselors. The feedback from all the counselors was that students had great questions and invested serious thought towards developing their four-year plan. Both students & parents are encouraged to review the new online program of studies.

Program of studies link: https://sites.google.com/a/isb.ac.th/isb-high-school-program-of-studies/home

In addition 9th Grade students had great enthusiasm in welcoming back Mr. David Sherrell from Freedom from Chemical Dependency. He gave a presentation during flex period on making healthy choices in relation to drugs and alcohol.


Grade 10

It’s a big job with a lot of thought involved, but sophomores should be registering for their course selections for 11th grade this weekend if they haven’t done so already.  Hopefully, they have had discussions with you about their courses, what they like studying, and in which courses they are most successful, and are then choosing their courses accordingly.  If you have any questions about your son or daughters selections or the process itself, please don’t hesitate to contact their counselor.  We’re here to help!


Grade 11

A reminder that grade 11 students need to enter their course requests into PowerSchool by this Monday, March 23. If students have questions regarding what courses they need to take and/or how many credits they have, students should see their respective counselor.

Grade 11 students, please complete and submit your Junior Packet to Khun Wah if you have not already done so, so that a Junior Conference can be scheduled with you, your counselor, and your parents.


Grade 12

It’s mid March and graduation is less than three months away. Seniors are experiencing many lasts: last Cultural Convention, last IASAS, etc. Add to that the upcoming IB exams and the next two weeks when many university application decisions are made (April 1 for US universities). It all equals a lot of stress, anxiety, withdrawal, excitement, and uncertainty. Try to offer your Senior a way to find some balance and perspective as they prepare for their next adventure. Whatever it is they are feeling (and you), they are not alone!

We are approaching a three day weekend and Songkran is right around the corner. How can they use that time enjoy family, explore favorite activities and prepare for exams. For some of you, this is your first child to graduate and for others it is your last (or maybe even your only). Here are a few helpful articles and resources for you as a parent during this period of transition.

International Family Transitions

A Third Culture Kid’s Guide to College

The Transition From School to University

Self-Compassion For Freshman

University Visits

Tuesday, March 24
University of Melbourne

Wednesday, March 25
University of Bath
University of Exeter
University of Warwick
The Minerva Institute for Research and Scholarship

All visits are during lunch period in room 203 at 10:20.

Be sure to check Naviance regularly to see the up to date information as it changes often!

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