ES e-News for March 13, 2015

ISB Holiday March 16

This coming Monday is an ISB Holiday and there is no school.  Classes resume on Tuesday March 17.  It will be an ‘E’ day.


Our student-led conferences were full of deep reflection, metacognition and celebration. Watching parents interact and listen to their children talk so confidently about their learning has been an absolute pleasure.  We trust parents enjoyed the process too!

Class Placement for 2015-16

Parents who would like to give us information to consider for class placement in 2015-16 are welcome to do so.  Please pick up a form in the Counseling Office starting Tuesday, March 17.  The forms are due back in the Counseling Office by Friday, April 3.

Please note:  Parents may not request specific teachers.  This form asks for learning and educational information regarding your child.  For parents who are unable to come in to pick up a form, please contact the Counseling Secretary at for an electronic copy.

If You Know you are Leaving ISB

Families who are leaving ISB at the end of the school year are asked to inform the school as soon as possible using the official Notice of Withdrawal Form.  This helps us prepare school records for your child and with planning for next year.  Completed forms can be dropped off at the ES Office.

ES After School Activities

Please note that March 16th is a school holiday – No school, no ASA. ASA will resume on Tuesday, March 17th.

After School Activities are well underway. There are few limited spaces available in some of our ASA. Remember once the ASA schedule begins there are NO REFUNDS. Most ASA have already hosted their 3rd session so there are no longer any changes permitted. I am in the office daily from 1:30pm – 3:30pm if you have any questions or concerns.

Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School Activities Coordinator

ES Art Show – You simply must see it!

We hope parents took advantage of visiting the show during Conferences.  A feast for the eyes, the annual ES ART SHOW continues during next week at the Chevron Theatre. Come enjoy over 700 pieces of the vibrant and creative pieces of artwork produced by Kindergarten through Grade 5 students. The variety of materials and approaches to creating art range from small-scale ceramic and wire sculptures to large-scale installations where over a hundred students contributed to collaborative art pieces. It is a celebration learning and amazing creativity! The Art Show runs until March 20 – do make sure you see it.

(Repeat) The ES ISB Book Awards and Character Dress-up days

Each year ISB celebrates books that celebrate the way we learn and play at ISB. This year, we are showcasing books that highlight the “healthy, balanced and active learners” part of our mission statement.  Each grade level has nominated at least three books to win the grade-level award.  During the week of March 30th, we will decorate the HUB in “Oscars” style to celebrate the winning selections.  Students are encouraged to dress up as healthy, active, and/or balanced book characters during the April 2nd/ 3rd Free Dress Day.  A photographer will be on hand to document students in their costumes–it would be helpful for children to bring the book their character comes from, if you have a copy at home.  Stop by the HUB, browse the selections, and start talking with your children about books you’ve read with healthy, active, balanced characters!

Click here to see a PDF of the nominations by grade level!

(Repeat) ES P.E. Swimming

Swimming units for some classes  in PE have started.  We have a total of three sessions of swimming times for Elementary School.  Please see the below schedule for all swimming sessions. This year we will not be sending home letters about the swimming unit.  Instead, all pertinent information will be posted on our PE blog.  You can access our blog on your child’s classroom blog or by going to this link:

First Session: March 5 – April 7
Grade 5: Greenwood, Armitage
Grade 4: Hamlin, Crimi
Grade 3: Haynes, Martin, Dobrowski
Grade 2: Allen, Eide
Grade 1: Allen, Hagen
KG: No class at this time
PreKG: Patty, Bailey

Second Session: April 8 – May 13
Grade 5: Herdrich, Perkins
Grade 4: Ward, Jessee
Grade 3: Day, Vilim
Grade 2: Madden, Meyer
Grade 1: Bell, Ducharme
KG: Brickerd, Pool

Third Session: May 14 – June 10
Grade 5: Murray, Scott, Ekstran
Grade 4: Macky, Hunter
Grade 3: Palmer, Bailey
Grade 2: McAloon, Giles
Grade 1: Scranton, Hardman
KG: Chang, Whitman

Calendar of Events

March  2015

Mar. 9-20 ES Art Show
Mar. 16 ISB Holiday (No School)
Mar. 17 PTA Executive Board Meeting 10:00 am
Mar. 24 Board of Trustees Meeting 6:30 pm (MPB 3)
Mar. 25 PTA Staff Appreciation Lunch
Mar. 27 Lost and Found Display
Mar. 30 Booster Club Meeting 11:00 am
Mar. 30 -April 3 ES Hub Book Awards Week and Character Dress up Days

About Tina

ES secretary
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