MS Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences – some last information…

Dear Parents,

One last contact before our MS Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences this Thursday and Friday, 7:00am – 3:00pm.  Reminder, our online scheduler closes at 12:00pm tomorrow.  If you need to change your scheduled appointment, prior to that, please log into the scheduler and do so from within there.  If you have not scheduled your appointment(s) yet and would like to, please click on the following link for direction on how to do so.

Some Reminders:

  • There are no scheduled classes in the MS these two days
  • Your child is expected at conferences with you
  • Your child is expected in school uniform

Scheduled Breaks:

  • All teachers except for EAL teachers:
    • 8:30-8:45
    • 10:15-10:30
    • 11:30-12:15 (Lunch)
    • 1:45-2:00
  • EAL Teachers
    • 8:20-8:40
    • 10:00-10:20
    • 11:20-12:00 (Lunch)
    • 1:20-1:40

A quick Summary:

  • Humanities, Math, and Science Teachers:  Parents schedule via online scheduler a 30 minute block of time to conference with their child’s Humanities, Math, and Science teachers during that time.
    • Grade 6 – all in MPB 2-3
    • Grade 7 – all in room 4-310
    • Grade 8 – all in the MS Skybox (room 4-309), exceptions:
      • Mr. Kingdon will be in MPB 2-3
      • Mrs. Major will be in 4-310
  • EAL Teachers:  Parents schedule via online scheduler a 20 minute block of time to conference individually with their child and EAL teacher in EAL teacher’s classroom – exception is Tonya Low (Maggie Hagen) for Gr8 who will be in room 4-308 with all grade 8 core teachers.
  • Learning Support Teachers:  Parents schedule via online scheduler a 15 minute block of time to conference individually with their child and LS teacher in LS teacher’s classroom.
  • No Appointment Required (Drop-In Basis) – In the online scheduler, the following classes will not be listed to schedule an appointment with.  Rather, the teachers will all be available for drop in visits in these locations:
    • PE – all in room 4-112
    • Performing/Visual Arts Teachers – in their individual classrooms.  The exception is the following teachers who teach in the MS and also in the HS.  These teachers will be available in their individual classrooms on Thursday (they will post times not available when teaching HS classes that day) and will be available Friday in the Rajendra Gym with HS teachers.
      • Jerry Hochberg
      • Brian Jackson
      • Jaleea Price
      • John Secomb (in his own room both days)
    • World Language Teachers – in their individual classrooms (exception is Miyuki Jesse who will be in 4-322)
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