ES E-news for March 6, 2015

Student Led Conferences – March 12, 13

Parents should have received individualized letters for making appointment times last Friday. Pick-a-time, the online scheduler, will remain open until 2pm on Tuesday March 10.

Student Led Conferences provide students with an opportunity to communicate and reflect deeply about their learning.  Having students lead the conference keeps them at the center of the learning process and helps students and parents:

• celebrate achievements
• acknowledge learning challenges
• consider how learning habits and attitudes have changed, and
• set learning goals for the future

(Repeat) Booking your appointment:
Open this link  and then follow the directions below.

How to Register

  1. Click on or open the link provided above.
  2. Click “Login/Create Account”
  3. Fill in the required fields and register.
  4. For each elementary school child you have, you will have to add them in

a. Enter child’s student ID number (provided on the front of this letter)
b. Enter child’s birth date (use format mm/dd/yy eg. 02/26/10 – you need to include the / in between the month, day, and year)

How to Sign In (after having registered first time)

Enter your email and password. The system will know about any appointments you have made previously.

How to Schedule Appointments

  1. You will see a list of your child’s teachers you are able to schedule a conference with. Select the box next to the teacher name(s) that you would like to schedule a conference with. You will then see the schedule of available times for those teachers.
  2. Each colored square represents an available meeting time. The legend shows you what teacher corresponds to what color.  Click on a square to schedule that time
  3. Then click on “Create Appointment”.
  4. Repeat until you have a time with each teacher you’d like to visit with.
  5. You can click on the “Printable Schedule” link located on the top right corner and print the resulting web page to get a hard copy of your schedule.

Please be sure to book individual appointments with specialists teachers for each of your children.

Student Led Conference Tips for Parents:

  • Please give your child your full attention. Switching off mobile phones is greatly appreciated.
  • Taking photographs can be distracting to your child. Please save photos until the end of the conference.
  • You and your child do not need to use English. Please feel free to communicate in your home language.
  • When listening to your child, please give positive feedback and share your observations about the learning that has taken place.
  • If your child seems a little nervous or shy, just give them time and ask guiding  questions about what they are showing you.
  • Remember that something may seem very small to you, but it may have been a huge achievement for a Pre-K child!
  • Most importantly enjoy this focused time with your child.

ES Art Show – March 9-20, 2015

The annual ES ART SHOW is open for viewing in the Chevron Foyer from Monday.  Come enjoy over 700 pieces of the vibrant and creative pieces of artwork produced by Kindergarten through Grade 5 students. The variety of materials and approaches to creating art range from small-scale ceramic and wire sculptures to large-scale installations where over a hundred students contributed to collaborative art pieces. It is a celebration learning and amazing creativity! A great place to visit during ES Conferences next week.

ES Book Fair – Conference Days, March 12 and 13

Stop by the HUB during Parent Teacher Conference days, March 12 and 13 to experience the ES Book fair.  Top Bangkok book stores are all represented:  Asia Books, Kinokuneya, Books at 53 and Scholastic. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your book collection!

The ES ISB Book Awards and Character Dress-up days

Each year ISB celebrates books that celebrate the way we learn and play at ISB. This year, we are showcasing books that highlight the “healthy, balanced and active learners” part of our mission statement.  Each grade level has nominated at least three books to win the grade-level award.  During the week of March 30th, we will decorate the HUB in “Oscars” style to celebrate the winning selections.  Students are encouraged to dress up as healthy, active, and/or balanced book characters during the April 2nd/ 3rd Free Dress Day.  A photographer will be on hand to document students in their costumes–it would be helpful for children to bring the book their character comes from, if you have a copy at home.  Stop by the HUB, browse the selections, and start talking with your children about books you’ve read with healthy, active, balanced characters!

Click here to see a PDF of the nominations by grade level!

ES After School Activities

Please note that Thursday and Friday, March 12th and 13th – ES Parent-Teachers conferences, no school, no ASA in session.  March 12th is a school holiday – No school, no ASA. ASA will resume on Tuesday, March 17th.

After School Activities are well underway. There are few limited spaces available in some of our ASA. Remember once the ASA schedule begins there are NO REFUNDS. Most ASA have already hosted their 2nd session so there are no longer any changes permitted. I am in the office daily from 1:30pm – 3:30pm if you have any questions or concerns.

Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School Activities Coordinator

5th Grade Book Sale

Thursday April 23 and Friday April 24

The 5th grade book sale is a yearly sale put on by the 5th graders with the help of the teachers, IAs, and parents.

The Funds raised from this Charity event support the Mercy Center in Klong Toey and pays for the education for many underprivileged kids who cannot afford education.  Last year they raised close to B200,000.00.  This year we, of course, would like to beat that amount.

Please start sending books and/or complete board games to school with your child.  The book boxes are located around the school. You may also drop them in  5th grade work room. (small room at the top of the stairs in the 5th grade quad).

Books to Donate
Children’s books
Young Adult books Fiction and Non Fiction
Adult Fiction and Non Fiction
Appropriate magazines

Please Do Not Donate
Text Books
Inappropriate Books or Magazines
Books with missing pages or covers
(These books have to be disposed of by our volunteers and takes away from actual sorting time)

(Repeat) ES P.E. Swimming

Swimming units for some classes  in PE have started this week.  We have a total of three sessions of swimming times for Elementary School.  Please see the below schedule for all swimming sessions. This year we will not be sending home letters about the swimming unit.  Instead, all pertinent information will be posted on our PE blog.  You can access our blog on your child’s classroom blog or by going to this link:

First Session: March 5 – April 7
Grade 5: Greenwood, Armitage
Grade 4: Hamlin, Crimi
Grade 3: Haynes, Martin, Dobrowski
Grade 2: Allen, Eide
Grade 1: Allen, Hagen
KG: No class at this time
PreKG: Patty, Bailey

Second Session: April 8 – May 13
Grade 5: Herdrich, Perkins
Grade 4: Ward, Jessee
Grade 3: Day, Vilim
Grade 2: Madden, Meyer
Grade 1: Bell, Ducharme
KG: Brickerd, Pool

Third Session: May 14 – June 10
Grade 5: Murray, Scott, Ekstran
Grade 4: Macky, Hunter
Grade 3: Palmer, Bailey
Grade 2: McAloon, Giles
Grade 1: Scranton, Hardman
KG: Chang, Whitman

Calendar of Events

March  2015

Mar. 9-20 ES Art Show
Mar. 12-13 ES Parent-Teacher Student-led Conferences
Mar. 13 Lost and Found Display
Mar. 16 ISB Holiday (No School)
Mar. 17 PTA Executive Board Meeting 10:00 am
Mar. 24 Board of Trustees Meeting 6:30 pm (MPB 3)
Mar. 25 PTA Staff Appreciation Lunch
Mar. 27 Lost and Found Display
Mar. 30 Booster Club Meeting 11:00 am


About Tina

ES secretary
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