Repeat Announcement:  MS Principal Forum – 2nd Semester

Do you have a question or idea involving the Middle School that you would like addressed by the principal? The MS Principal Forum is your vehicle. It addresses subjects of wide interest to parents and presents them to the principal for consideration. Our goals include sharing information and ideas, improving mutual understanding and working together with the principal and his administration group.

From now until March 1st, we are accepting questions and ideas. Please submit any issue directly to a forum team member (see below) or to the forum’s email at  Please include your contact information when you submit to us, so we can clarify any questions we might have.  However, we will not reveal your personal information to the administration!

The forum team will then meet to review and discuss all issues. The MS Coordinators will present those to the principal for his responses. The principal will report out to the MS Community in an open meeting on March 19th. The time and location will be announced via MS eNews.

Grade 6 Team Members

Shiney Aravindakshan:

Ginger Duval:


Grade 7 Team Members

Rie Atagi:

Jill Edison:

Rosalina Hernandez:

Maria Van Zant:


Grade 8 Team Members:

Henrietta Bullinger:

Chintana (Aor) Blumenthal:

Hyemin Lee:

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