High School Counseling Newsletter

Jennifer Melton

The excitement of GCW has waned this week and students are settling in for the long haul to Songkran break.  If your son or daughter is feeling stressed or overwhelmed, have them stop by and see their counselor, we’re here to help.

Seniors:  Seniors are now on the final stretch for new material in their courses; by late March most of their classes will be reviewing for finals. Encourage them keep their eye on the ball; don’t let them succumb to the dreaded “senioritis”!  They have made it this far, they should finish strong and make their parents proud!

By the way, some seniors still have to send a “Certification of Finances” document to schools in the U.S. to which they have applied.  This is necessary for international students to verify that their families have the financial resources to pay for their university education.  If your son/daughter receives information that they are missing this required document, have them go directly to their counselor for instructions on how to get the form completed and sent.

Juniors:  By now, grade 11 students should have completed and submitted their Junior Packets to Khun Wah in the HS Counseling Office and should be in the process of having their Junior Conference with their respective counselor.  If your son/daughter isn’t sure what the junior packet is, or hasn’t made their appointment with Khun Wah to see his/her counselor with you in attendance, then you are already behind in the university selection process and need to get moving!

Sophomores: All the 10th graders attended a session after school Thursday to hear about and discuss their options for 11th (and 12th) grade.  There are many possibilities, choices, and outcomes available for the final two years of school.  Be sure and speak with your son/daughter about what they like, what they’re good at, and what they want to study as you help them choose courses that they’ll be motivated to be successful in, in their last two years of ISB!  Be sure and attend the Grade 10 course selection evening on Monday, March 2nd in the MPB at 6:30 in order to find out everything you need to know about courses and programs for 11th and 12th grade.  Both parents and students are welcome!

Freshmen: Hopefully all 9th graders came back from GCW with many positive stories to share. It is such a great way for learning to take place in such a different classroom. Students have the chance to learn from a new experience, a new challenge, a different culture, a unique situation. We have already heard of so many stories of students overcoming barriers they never thought possible; using inner strength they maybe did not think they had. We have also heard great stories of students supporting each other through the week with humor, fun, encouragement and empathy. Really powerful stuff!!! Really transferable learning!!! If you haven’t already done so, please ask your son / daughter to share the reflection they had to write for GCW and expand upon.

University visits upcoming (check Naviance for additions/changes):

Monday, March 2

  • Acadia University
  • Mount Saint Vincent University

Friday, March 6

  • Central Penn College
  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University
  • Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
  • Loyola University Chicago
  • New York Institute of Technology – Manhattan
  • Portland State University
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