Elementary School Report Cards

Report Cards are ready to download as of Friday, Feb. 27 afternoon.  As you know, ES Report Cards will no longer be printed, but instead, be available to parents to view or download through Powerschool.  Parents were sent log-on details for Powerschool via email and in Friday Folders last week.  You will need this to access your child’s report card.

If you have trouble accessing your child’s report card, please contact K. Vinit vinitp@isb.ac.th or K. Golf trins@isb.ac.th or come along to a drop-in session being held in the ESMPR on Monday, March 2 at 7.30am-8:30 am.

Another change for this reporting period is that as a norm, specialist comments will be written for trimesters 1 and 3 only (for Art, Music, PE, WL).  Individual comments for students can be written for trimester 2 by the specialist if needed. As always, if you have concerns or questions about your child’s progress, you may arrange an appointment with a teacher at any time throughout the year.


About Tina

ES secretary
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