Safety Corner-Pedestrian Safety Week

by Rick Nelson
Safety Manager

Pedestrian Safety Week

Next week, you will notice in the morning, members of our administrative leadership team out at various ISB entrance gates in Nichada Thani (main gate, Elementary School Pedestrian Gate and New Sports Complex).  They are going to assist our security guards with the following:

1 – Greet all students and parents to ISB.

2 – Check that all bicyclists are wearing a bike helmet when riding onto ISB.  ISB requires that ALL riders (students and adults) be wearing a bike helmet, that is put on properly, with chin strap secured.  Riders without a helmet will be asked to get off their bike prior to crossing pedestrian walk-way and walk their bike onto campus and to appropriate bike racks.

3 – Direct any vehicles (automobiles, golf carts, motorbikes) to not stop vehicles in pedestrian crosswalks or in designated bike lanes. All drop-offs and pick-ups must take place in designated points on campus.

4 – Look to see that students and adults have proper identification.  If you have an ISB Name Badge please wear it and make it visible to guards.  All visitors to ISB must check-in with guards at the main gate and provide proper I.D. and purpose for coming on campus.

Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to address concerns about road safety and safety of all our children and community that come on campus.

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