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And then you can play, dance, game, drink, eat, win from 4-7 pm

Its going to be absolutely amazing. To give you a sneak preview;

Fancy games?

Dunk Tank, Mountain climb, Can Toss and Rodeo Bull are a few to give you a kick.

Food lover?

Nigeria, USA, Brazil, The Netherlands are just a couple of the 18 food booths.

Want to Win?

Paris for a few nights, tickets to Koh Samet, HS off campus pass, massage to name a few of the 1000 prizes we have this year.


DJ Eng, Om Shanti Om, The Fallen, Bollywood dance will make you want to shake it

Yes the IFF is on the 28th of February from 4-7. Be there!

If you want to help out;

IFF 2015
Saturday, February 28
from 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm at ISB
IFF simple slide


IFF Photo Competition

by the IFF Team

IFF Photo Competition

Send in your “Happy” photo to

Deadline is Tuesday, February 24th

The Safety Corner – Road Safety

by Rick NELSON
ISB Safety Manager

Road Safety Alert!

In recent weeks we have had a number of “near misses” between motor vehicles (automobiles, golf carts, etc.) and pedestrians. Everyone in our community must take responsibility for driving, riding and using our roadways safely and defensively. ISB community members should make sure all family members, drivers, nannies, taxi drivers and guests know and follow these guidelines. Here are a few critical road rules that must be followed:

1)      ISB pedestrian crossings and gates are not for vehicle drop-off or pick-up of students. No driver should ever pull over, stop and/or park in the designated bike paths or cross-walks at ISB or anywhere in Nichada Thani. For safety and security reasons, when arriving at ISB all vehicle drop-offs and pick-ups should take place inside the ISB vehicle gates and at the designated vehicle pull up area.

2)      Unless crossing at designated road crossings, all bicyclists and pedestrians should stay in designated bike lanes or sidewalks.  When bicyclists or walkers go out on the road way they are immediately exposing themselves to traffic coming from behind and towards them.

3)      Before turning right on any road, bicyclists and walkers should stop first and make sure no vehicle is approaching from behind. Look both ways, and only when clear, cross the road (preferably in a designated crosswalk area). One area that reports higher levels of risk is the right-turn off the main Nichada Thani road (when departing ISB) that goes down past the church, lake and Garden Condominium/Samakee Garden Apartments. Pedestrians are advised to use extreme caution when making this turn and drivers are encouraged to watch for pedestrians/bicyclists coming out on the road and attempting to turn right.

4)      Drivers – No Speeding! The Speed Limit in Nichada Thani is a maximum of 30 KPH.

5)      Bicyclists – Please wear your Helmet! It is astonishing to see the number of children and adults who continue to ride their bikes to and from school not wearing a helmet. The research is clear that this is one of the more simple prevention steps we can take to minimize injuries in the event of bike accidents. By far, most bicycle deaths occur to those people not wearing helmets. In addition, most bike accidents occur very close to home. It takes 21 days to form a habit…get in the habit of always putting your helmet on and keeping it on when biking. Having your hair messed is nothing compared to a permanent head injury, spinal cord injury or loss of life. Don’t assume it can’t happen to you – even on a short ride to school.

Facilitating Your Child’s Success:   A workshop for parents, Monday February 23rd

by Tamara Redmond
Meg Fisher

Facilitating your child’s success: a workshop for parents
The Student Support Team at ISB invites you to join us for a cross-divisional parent workshop. We will explore the role of parents in achieving ISB’s Vision of preparing our students for success in the world community.  This workshop is based upon longitudinal research, conducted by the Frostig Center in California, into life success for students with disabilities.  However, the findings of this research offer practical applications for ALL students.  The parent workshop will address:

-What is success?

-What does success look like at ISB

Participants will be invited to contribute to a video about success at ISB, although this is entirely optional.The workshop and optional video interview will take place on:

Monday February 23rd, 8:00-9:30AM Elementary School ES MPR

If you are interested in attending or have questions please contact Tamara Redmond or Meg Fisher

ISB British Community– Lunch Social – February 25th

by  Heather Powell

There will be a lunch social for the ISB British community on Wednesday 25th February from 11:45am at Que Pasa. Please RSVP if you are able to attend by contacting your ISB British Representative – Heather Powell (email: mobile 083 293 2169).

Middle School Art Exhibit – open now until February 26th

by Trista Meisner

You are cordially invited to visit the Middle School Art Exhibit being held in the Main Library from Monday, 16 February – Thursday, 26 February.

The creative work of middle school artists features moody watercolor paintings and expressive photographs, though-provoking mixed media and beguiling ceramics.  Bring your smartphone, iPad or tablet to access the augmented reality portion of the exhibit.

The next and final Middle School Art Exhibit will be held in the Chevron Theatre Foyer from 27 April – 7 May.


Ms poster resize 4

Booster News

by: ISB Booster News

Panther Pops are back on Friday, February 27th! Each Panther Pop is 30 baht and exact change is always appreciated.

The next Booster meeting is Monday, March 2 @ 11:00 in the MPB2.


Downtown Welcome Wai Parent Gathering – March 3rd

Heather Powell or Rachel Neale

Downtown Welcome Wai Parent Gathering, Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Would you like to meet other downtown parents of ISB? There will be a Downtown Welcome Wai parent gathering on Tuesday 3rd March from 10:00am (till 12:00)  at Café Tartine.

Every ISB parent is welcome wherever you live.   Please RSVP by 8pm on Sunday 1st March to to let us know you are coming.

For full details on how to get to Café Tartine please check the website  (or telephone 02 168 5464 for directions). The address is Soi Ruamrudee at the Athenee Residence , 65 Wireless Road. Lumpini. Free parking in the back at Athenee Residence.

We hope to see you there and if you have any questions please contact Heather Powell or Rachel Neale at We are looking forward to seeing you all!



We need books, magazines, and board games

by Sherry Heinecke

Dear Parents, Teacher’s, and Students,

The 5th grade students are collecting books for their grade 5 book sale April 23 and 24.  We need books, magazines, and any board games that are a complete set without missing pieces.

Books can be dropped off at the 5th grade work room now or starting March 2, 2015 there will be drop boxes located around the school and at drop off zones.

Please be aware of what your are donating.  They can be adult, teen, or children books fiction and non-fiction.  NO text books or manuals, no inappropriate books or books with missing pages, and magazines need to be intact.

The book sale is an annual event and all proceeds go to the Mercy Center in Klong Toey.

Thank you,

5th Grade Book Sale Team


Scouts Activity Day – March 21st

by Radha Friedman

Are you interested in learning more about Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts or Venture Crew? Please join us for a fun filled morning and learn more on how you can become a part of our amazing adventurous family.
Hope to see you at ISB on Saturday March 21, 2015 on E-Field. Please see the attached poster for details.Radha (087-113-7357/

Scouts Activity Day March 21, 2015

eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. Please see our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families and ISB staff for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information
• An image or photo (optional)

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.




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