Aladdin a Success!
The performance of the ES Musical, Aladdin, in the Chevron Theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday was simply wonderful! Over 65 fourth and fifth graders transported us to a magical place and time….a whole new world in fact, where wishes really do come true! Thank you to the many parents and teachers for helping to make this an amazing learning experience.
ES Report Cards
Trimester Two Report Cards will be ready on Friday February 27. Starting this trimester, report cards will no longer be printed, but instead, be available to parents to view or download through Powerschool. ISB’s commitment to becoming more “green” with report cards will now extend to all three divisions in the school. Yesterday, parents were sent via email and in Friday Folders, log-on details for Powerschool. You will need this to access your child’s report card on February 27 – please keep the Powerschool information in a safe place! If you do not receive an email by Wednesday, or you experience difficulty, please contact our Ed Tech department Alternatively, parents can drop by the ESMPR at 7.30 next Wednesday, Feb. 25 for tech-support from our Ed-Tech team. Another change for this reporting period is that as a norm, specialist comments will be written for trimesters 1 and 3 only (for Art, Music, PE, WL). Individual comments for students can be written for trimester 2 by the specialist if needed. This decision was made after collecting feedback around the quality of specialist comments, and the challenge to make them individualized for large numbers of students. We will try the system of twice a year, to see if the quality of individualized comments improves. As always, if you have concerns or questions about your child’s progress, you may arrange an appointment with a teacher at any time throughout the year.
ES P.E. Swimming
Our swimming unit in PE is just around the corner. We have a total of three sessions of swimming times for Elementary School. Please see the below schedule for all swimming sessions. This year we will not be sending home letters about the swimming unit. Instead, all pertinent information will be posted on our PE blog. You can access our blog on your child’s classroom blog or by going to this link: First Session: March 5 – April 7 Grade 5: Greenwood, Armitage Grade 4: Hamlin, Crimi Grade 3: Haynes, Martin, Dobrowski Grade 2: Allen, Eide Grade 1: Allen, Hagen KG: No class at this time PreKG: Patty, Bailey Second Session: April 8 – May 13 Grade 5: Herdrich, Perkins Grade 4: Ward, Jessee Grade 3: Day, Vilim Grade 2: Madden, Meyer Grade 1: Bell, Ducharme KG: Brickerd, Pool Third Session: May 14 – June 10 Grade 5: Murray, Scott, Ekstran Grade 4: Macky, Hunter Grade 3: Palmer, Bailey Grade 2: McAloon, Giles Grade 1: Scranton, Hardman KG: Chang, Whitman
IFF Photo Competition – Enter Now!
Please send in your ‘happy’ photo to Deadline is Tuesday 24th Feb.

ES After School Activities
ES ASA locations and availability will be posted daily outside the ES Office next week. There are still limited spaces available in some of our ASA: TKD, Soccer, Toy Making and more. You can still register but don’t delay! Remember, once the ASA schedule begins there are NO REFUNDS however, you may change your ASA choice once it is before your third session. I am in the office daily from 1:30-3:30pm if you have any questions or concerns. Livnat Ziskinder ES After School Activities Coordinator
Mother Daughter Sock Hop Photos
Photos that were not collected from the CAO office have been delivered to your child’s elementary school teachers for distribution to your child. If you have any questions, please email us or
(Repeat) Upcoming Student-Led Conferences – March 12 and 13
Our annual Student-Led conferences are coming up on March 12 and 13. More information will come to you when we are closer to this date, but as a head’s up for new parents, there is no school on these dates for ES students. Students will, however, be involved in their conference time on one of the two dates.
(Repeat) Grade 5 Book Sale: Books, Magazines and Board games needed.
The Grade 5 book sale is an annual event and all proceeds go to the Mercy Center in Klong Toey. Students are collecting books for the sale April 23 and 24. We need books, magazines, and any board games that are a complete set without missing pieces. Books can be dropped off at the 5th grade work room now or starting March 2, 2015 there will be drop boxes located around the school and at drop off zones. Please be aware of what you are donating. They can be adult, teen, or children books fiction and non-fiction. NO text books or manuals, no inappropriate books or books with missing pages, and magazines need to be intact.
Calendar of Events
February 2015
Feb. 23 | ES After School Activities Begin |
Facilitating your Child’s Success Workshop, 8:00 am (ES MPR) | |
Feb. 25 | Powerschool Troubleshooting for ES Parents, drop-ins7:30-8:30 am (ES MPR) |
Feb. 27 | Elementary Report Cards available |
KG/G1 Music Celebration of Learning 10:30 am | |
G2/G3 Music Celebration of Learning 1:00 pm | |
Feb. 28 | International Food Fair (IFF) 4:00-7:00 pm |